
Do you believe brides should vow to "love, honor, and obey" their husbands?

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Do you believe brides should vow to "love, honor, and obey" their husbands?




  1. Love and honor but NOT obey.

    I dont obey my husband and he has NEVER expected me to.

    We are equals and he treats me that way.

    If a man wants obedience then he should get a dog.

  2.'s the way traditional marriages work.  You know, the kind like your grandparents had.  The ones who really did last "till death do us part".  

  3. yes those are the vows, if you dont agree have the minister change them.

  4. Yes, I do.

  5. You should look up a book called Love and Respect. Basically it states that for a relationship to work, men need respect and women need love. These are Biblical principals.

  6. Love and honor, yes. At the wedding of Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo, the “love, honor, and obey” phrase was left in the ceremony -- something to think about.

  7. So long as it's mutual.  I love my husband and I honor him and sometimes I even obey, lol.  But those words are usually left out of modern ceremonies.  

  8. Yes 24/7 365 days per year...!   The woman was made to serve man..

  9. The word "obey" sounds too much like a dog command.  So, my answer is no.

  10. As a Catholic, I truly believe this is the only proper vow.

    To qualify, you need to understand the other side of the equation.  The man is supposed to vow to love, honor, and cherish.  Meaning you do all things with the highest respect for your wife and wouldn't demand anything of her for your own selfish needs.  "not taking into account her needs"

    As a Catholic, you believe that your two lives become one at the sacrament of marriage.  One promises to lead, the other to follow, both with the best interests of their family unit.

    If the husband doesn't cherish or respect his wife, he isn't keeping faithful to his vows either.  The wife's vow to "obey" isn't unconditional.  it is conditional on doing things in the best interest of their family, and thus serving God.

  11. I agree Love and Honor but not obey.  

  12. Most of the answers here demonstrate why american women are no longer suitable for marriage.

    Obey?  Yes.  

    A ship can only have one rudder.


  13. No where in my vows was the word obey.  I would have stopped him right there if that word came up.  We are both adults and we don't have to obey each other if we don't want to.  

    To the other person who said that men want respect and women want love, I want both, but I want to be respected more.

  14. maybe

  15. well so long as the wife is an equal partner in the relationship(not treated like a maid,s*x slave or babysitter) & the wife will not take advantage of it ("i am a woman,therefore i have rights to do this & that") then yes,brides should abide by the vow" to love,honor & obey" their husbands.(why marry in the 1st place if you as a woman thinks of wearing the trousers & be the boss anyway?)

  16. h**l no not obey more like love honor respect  

  17. Definitely... However love is a one way street travelled by two people hand in hand. Youu both make these vows, no one.  

  18. I have also believed that the word OBEY should have been taken out years ago this is not the 50's. Women have the rights to do as the please just like men. We are not dogs!

  19. Absolutely as long as the obedience is mutual. A husband, in the Christian sense, is supposed to love his wife even as Christ loved him. Christ died for him so he should love and treat his wife as Christ would. A woman is to obey her husband, but in my interpretation of the scripture, it is to go both ways. If they act as Christ would this will not be an issue.  

  20. Only if they "love, honor and obey" their wife!

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