
Do you believe building a fence and kicking all illegals out of the US would help or hinder our economy?

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Do you believe building a fence and kicking all illegals out of the US would help or hinder our economy?




  1. Do you like paying for all their free medical care?


    It would raise wages for working CITIZENS

    it would raise the tax base, because you would have allot less under the table wages

  2. Don't know but are you going to go out to fields and pick the fruit and veggies you eat?

  3. Hinder.. and I will be laughing when we try filling all of their jobs. hahahaha. I'm not doing that sh*t.

  4. It would help. Our economy is c**p because of them.

  5. If the government just enforced the laws already on the books against hiring illegals, there would be no jobs for them and they would go back and stay there without building a fence. However, illegals allow businesses to keep wages low and most businesses are owned by Republicans. See how it works. The government has no intention to get rid of the cheap workers the illegals represent.

    They whine they cannot find Americans to do those jobs. They are really saying they are not willing to pay the wages needed to attract American workers to these jobs.

    But also remember the low inflation we enjoyed from the mid 80s to 2006 was because wages for service jobs were kept artificially low. If the illegals are not here, they will have to pay $20.00 an hour for low end work, just to attract workers and that will cause a lot of inflation which hurts everyone. The low prices you pay for stuff are on the backs of the illegal workers.

  6. we still allow immigrants to the US . send these illegals home and let them apply to become citizens. they know they are breaking the law. what would happen to you if you went to their country and broke the law?no matter how it affects our economy we are a nation of laws.  

  7. Won't make a difference. They had nothing to do with gas going up.

  8. All patriotism causes is war. USA is not that good at war.

  9. I think ultimately it's going to help.

    Right now, it might hurt some farmers and other low-end manual labor areas of the country, because most illegal aliens go after the traditional lettuce picking jobs out in the fields.  But what do you do in twenty years when their kids are getting a free education in our public schools, and are then demanding college tuition and better jobs?

    Oh wait a minute... that's already started to happen...

    I say we build it -- and electrify it....

  10. Help.

  11. Wow, could you imagine if all of a sudden 30 million jobs opened up? Could you imagine living in a city like in '28 Days Later' where there are only a few stragglers left and they are all trying to attack you? Creepy!

  12. This idea is absolutely absurd. First, off how unfair and simply horrible would this be for the children of the illegals in our country? Second, our constitution states that the if your are born here, your a citizen. Don't misunderstand me, I do not like our current situation with the large number of illegals, but I feel the most practical solution would be to build the fence which would curb the massive flow of illegals into the U.S. and then allow the illegals that are currently here to be absorbed into society where they will have to adjust to the same rules and regulations that you and I live by. With regards to the economy, stopping the massive flow of illegals would help with our frozen wages since so may illegals are willing to work for virtually any pay. In turn, this would force American businesses to turn back to their own citizens to fill these positions. Hopefully, we can find a political party who will take on this critical challenge.

  13. Help !! Kick em all to the curb and send em all packing !

  14. After a brief downturn, it would help in the long run.  Last year, illegal aliens sent $60 billion down to Mexico.  We need to END that drain on our economy!

  15. It might help and might obliterate USA. It might help by making A LOT of new jobs available for US citizens. On the other hand, it might destroy America's economy as many public jobs and manual labour is done by a shitload of illegal immigrants.

  16. Help, it would mean more jobs, less diseases being spread, less free medical and welfare, better education, less crime etc.. this would definitely help our economy. To the one who said about illegals children, for one anchor babies should not be given citizenship and they are not our concern, send them packing with their illegal parents!

  17. There is no such thing as an illegal human being. And if there were, everyone besides NATIVE AMERICAN [100% PURE BLOOD] would be illegal. Wonder if deporting 99% of the population would help or hinder our economy, Einstein.


  18. Not really, it will probably decrease crime, but it wouldn't really change the economy by that much. People are saying that a lot of jobs will open. Yeah okay you sell those oranges for 35 cents, and work in those fields. Saying that illegal take American jobs is bs. They do jobs nobody else would do it for that type of money. Spreading diseases, we have a lot of whites, and african americans have the most diseases, not spanish people. The gas prices are not going down because of illegals. Also I think if we make some illegal legal(those without criminal records, and those who pay taxes, yes illegal pay taxes, everyone pays taxes people) we can stablelize the housign market. Making them legal, means they would have more money, and they would buy more stuff, houses, cars, electronics, etc. Also most illegals are already leaving because the economy is so bad.  

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