
Do you believe cleavage has a role to play?

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in politics and world peace?




  1. nope

  2. if it did there would be less fighting

  3. Absolutely! Paris Hilton for president!

  4. Cleavage is very important in all aspects of British life. I am met each morning by 9 or 10 sets of cleavage in my local supermarket while purchasing a newspaper. Best way to start the working day.

  5. I believe it plays a role when I tip my waitress, but not sure it has anything to do with world peace.

  6. If we were to cleave ourselves from self-centred decisions....yes.

  7. only if you are that p**n star french politician. otherwise i thought cleavage started wars.  

  8. I would like to see Harriet Harman  answering this question ?

  9. A great way to forget about politics and world peace

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