
Do you believe dreams can be predictions of future events?

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Like if you dream that someone is pregnant?




  1. Yes, I had a dream that I delivered a beautiful babygirl, about 1 month ago, I found out yesterday, I am 1 month pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Weird, I know, but IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  2. Yes.  I believe that sometimes God will send you messages in your dreams that tell you that you are going on the right path.  However, it matters how you feel during the dream and when you wake up.  If you feel very calm with a warm feeling in your stomach I would think it.

  3. No, i've never had a dream that came true.

  4. not necessarily

  5. No, I don't believe that.

  6. No, some of our dreams are things our subconscious mind has picked up on that our conscious minds have not. In this dream, you don't say if you dreamed that you were pregnant or someone else was pregnant. In any event, if it turned out to be true later, there was some anticipation, hoping, or believing that it was true. Also, sometimes we dream about things that we actually make come true, whether it was meant to come true or not.

  7. i know this may sound weird...but one night i had a dream that i was at the movie theater ordering popcorn then the next day i was at the movies ordering popcorn and it felt like i had just had deja vu

  8. Actually, I kinda do think they can be, but not because it is something like "gazing at a crystal ball" or anything like that.  I believe that we take in a lot around us that we aren't really aware of and some of that really does come out in our dreams.  In your example, say you know that someone is trying to get pregnant and maybe you subconsciously pick up on some different behaviors or a different eating pattern, or something of that sort that actually just might be a prediction that someone could possibly be in the early stages of pregnancy, then your subconscious might very well dream about that.  

    This is all my own theory, but it makes sense to me.  Also, there is a lot about dreams that we really don't understand, so I don't see why it couldn't be possible that we could dream about something that might very well come true in the future.  We do have "deja vu"(spelling?) that makes us sense that we have been somewhere/said something/done something, etc., before, so why not this?

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