
Do you believe dreams have a meaning and dream interpretation?

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Do you believe dreams have a meaning and dream interpretation?




  1. Yeah i do actually believe in that stuff. Because it seems like there has to be a reason why you had a dream like that. I think a dream dictionary would come in handy with questions like these.

  2. hmm.. i believe only on some dreams not all dreams!! thanks for the question i love it

  3. im not sure. i didn't think they had meaning. just what ever u were thinking at the time u dream of

    but the night before bernie mac died i had a dream and there was a kid who's name was bernie mac

  4. no

  5. An interesting theory I heard was that dreams are visions from an alternate universe that we exist in. That would be pretty cool wouldn't it? But yeah, I believe that dreams do have meaning.

  6. Both. There are many books on this. Try looking up Carl Jung and Sigmond Freud Dream Interpretation. I myself have had profetic dreams. Granted, you have to be able to get the idea behind the picture.

  7. I think they definitely have some meaning to them!  I think there's a lot of stuff going on with them - the stuff that you've carried to bed in your brain, some you remember and some not.  I think that there can also be a message or two in there from time to time too.  It's pretty fascinating stuff!  I've dreamt bizarre stuff that's meant nothing and I've also had dreams where something ended up happening that I could relate back to a dream (death of a neighbor).  

  8. i definitely think that things that go on in your life influence what you dream. but i dont like it when i read stuff that says, "oh your dream means this is probably going to happen to you". they cant predict the future, just reflect the past.

  9. This is kind of weird, but I believe that a person's spirit leaves their body at night.  The things you're working on, other spirits (who may or may not have bodies of their own -- they might just be like angels or lesser spiritual beings) act as parts in the "play" that you're working through.  Sometimes, though, you'll agree to be in someone else's "play" while you're floating around at night, and some of those aren't that great!  I'm thinking nightmares....

    But another thing that's cool regarding this:  if I wake up from a dream I'm not 100% pleased with, I can head right back to the same dream/place and continue the dream with AWARENESS.  Like I'm not fully asleep.  I'm half-dreaming.  So if there's somebody who was mean to me, I can kick him out.  Or if I was in a house that was falling apart, I can have it magically repair itself.  Or just move to a new house!  It's really nice.  :-)

    (If you think this is the best answer, please mark it!  I could use the points!)

  10. Dreams are a way of consolidating information in memory with the rational  and critical parts of our brains in suspension.  In a philosophical and psychological way, everything only has the meaning that we give it and different people can give the same event different meanings and be correct.  I bet you did not know you had that power?  Now you know, use to make your life what you would wish, and even change it  if you want to.

  11. i believe dreams can give you an insight into the deeper workings of your mind - your fears, your desires, your suspicions, your hopes.

  12. i think that your dreams show what you are going through. a lot of times i will have a dream and think about it and be like woah, that is totally happening to me.

    dreams are a really cool thing.


  13. Of course. Everything has meaning and interpretation.

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