
Do you believe dyslexia/dyspraxia etc exist? Honest answers please?

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I was prodded into asking this question by someone on an internet forum who is convinced that the general public in the main don't believe in the existence of these things . Judging by the answers it looks like I can argue back.




  1. yes I have a few students who suffer from these conditions - they are real

  2. most  def, my 12 year old son has both and it a constant struggle for him.

  3. yes i do believe that it exists but i also believe that there are a lot of people who do actually use it as an excuse for their own laziness.

  4. Yes they do.

    Some very intelligent children just have "a block" for no other reason when it comes to certain areas of education.  Call it "number blindness" call it what you want, but there are definite blocks to some people's knowledge and it's not laziness or genetic or anything.

  5. Yes they do exist because my sister is dyslexic!!!!... and she needs to ask me how to spell things... even though im younger than her!

    so yeah they do!

  6. yes they do exist.

  7. Absolutley.

  8. I have no idea at all why you ask this question. Of course they exist!

    Recent research has even shown a different brain activity in people with dyslexia.

  9. Yes. I have dyslexia and when I was younger I used to do mirror writing and did not realise it lol.

    I still cannot tell which direction I am coming from when I am going back to my house, although I know which way to go.

    I cannot do anything to do with numbers. If it is anything logical, I have to imagine it in my head with pictures and I heard the dyslexic people are meant to be better at using the creative side of their brain.

    But yeah... it does not affect intelligence. I have the second highest IQ in my class and I have the best spelling results, although my special needs teacher said that when I do make mistakes they're the type someone with dyslexia would make.

    But this is only because I have had so much help with it so it doesn't affect me much.

    I think that schools should offer alot more help for people with learning difficulties because if they receive help through education, it will not bother them in the long run.

  10. Yes they undoubtedly exist.  I treat many children who suffer with both these conditions.  I find that dyspraxia usually has a perceptual basis, which results in the individual not processing sensory information efficiently or correctly, this is then exhibited in poor output in terms of laguage and motor function.

    I have seem dyslexia imitated in a connectionist model (neural network), there are many different kinds and they are very real!!

  11. Yes they do.

  12. basically i was diagnosed as dyslexic, i believe it is only a disability at school tho, basically  i believe we all have different sorts of brains, dyslexic people have brains that aren't very good with written language, but are strong in other areas, unfortunately learning in school is very predominantly language based, if you consider that many dyslexic people are very strong creatively - ie art and technology if we learned in that way rather than with language, people who arn't very creative would be considered the ones with the disability.

    Dyslexia is only and issue at school, sinse i left school, i do very well in my area of expertise and find life really a breeze now!

  13. I do believe they do.  Dyslexia has become a term used to cover an umbrella of reading/writing disorders.  When referring to a student with "dyslexia," stating that the student has a reading or writing disorder would be better terminology to use because of the fact that there are many subcategories of those disorders.

    If an individual can have something such as cancer or a cold, why can't they have something wrong with their brain that affects how they learn?  Of course they're real.

  14. Yes i have 3 sons with dyspraxia,all at different levels.My middle son is the worst and needs a SENCO teacher.The have literal,verbal and physical dyspraxia.

  15. My seven year old son has Dyspraxia, It can cause problems with fine or gross motor skills but like every  issue of this nature, everyone is different some people can have bigger problems than others.

    Although you will always have it there are exercises you can do to help you live with the condition.

  16. ya they do!

  17. they sure do as i am trying to teach someone to drive with these conditions and i can assure you it is very hard work and the person who i am teaching is a very nice person and when i do eventually get her through the test i will be as proud as h**l for doing so

  18. I don't really know but I think that DNA stands for National Dyslexic  Association

  19. Yes. I'm a little confused by the question though as they are two completely different conditions. I'd have expected dislexia/discalcula to be together.

  20. yes they do exist, my mother has it and i have shown symptoms of this

  21. yes

  22. yes because if it was lazyness or stupidity as some people suggest (not me) then why are many people with dyslexia etc. very clever? I don't understand how when so many people have this illness and describe the same symptoms that people can still question its existence.

  23. yes they do exist

  24. yes since 2 of my sons suffer from it!

  25. Yes. My 8th grade math/science teacher had it and when she would read she would often have other people read and when she did read she would make little mistakes and read slow but I loved her =] She was my favorite teacher. It was cool how she could teach math and science so well with dyslexia.

  26. Dyslexia is a condition that is so underfunded within the education system.  My son was diagnosed with it, 7 years ago, and still gets hardly any help from his school, I provide most of his help.  Trust me it exsists.

  27. yes these conditions exist, i know a child who is dyslexic and another two who have dispraxia. have also come across dyslexia on many occassions, i work in special education

  28. yes they do exist, and it certainly isn't an excuse for someones laziness, and it doesn't effect intelligence either people with dyslexia (or dyspraxia) can achieve as much as someone without, i suffer with a mild form of dyslexia and i used to use mirror writing when i was young although i can overcome it when i concentrate properly. no it certainly doesn't affect intelligence, i don't claim to be smart but i passed all my gcse's and have 3 a-levels and a degree. but i had help from my school, college and university although i had to be very insistive. much more could be achieved from todays youngsters if they had the help they need

  29. Yes, I believe and know that they do exist. The proof of this can be seen when looking at scans of a persons brain. The dyslexic brain process information differently than the non dyslexic brain. Also, I am dyslexic. I am smart. Give me an oral exam and I'll pass with flying colours, tell me to read an exam and I get so lost in the text that ,y head spins, and I don't understand it at all. I can speak with an advanced vocabulary and express what I want to fluently and with ease, even in front of large groups. Ask me to write it down, and I struggle so much it looks like a four year old wrote it (thank gosh for speech to text) . And I have tried to fix this. I have been in sylvan and many other tutoring programs, done all the work and I still struggle. It does get better, but very slowly. I often get so frustrated and I try so hard and I do all my homework and I understand the concept, but I can't put that information on paper, it's really dishearting Iim in high school). I know I am smart. Hand me any instrument and give me an hour or two and I'll be able to play as though I have been playing my whole life (I currently play flute/piccolo, piano, sax, clarinet, trumpet, tuba/baritone, bag pipes and violin). I can draw a life like picture of any object or animal (just not people). I can quickly, easily and accurately solve most math problem in my head (just don't ask me how I got the right answer). But I just can not read/write at grade level. These conditions do exist, although I am sure some people abuse the system, who am I to say this person really does have dyslexia and this one does not. Sorry for the rant. My point is these conditions do exist!

  30. Yes they do

    My bezzie is dyslixic and we are just fine

  31. I have a form of the disorder called Math Dyslexia. Dyscalculia (sometimes called "Math Dyslexia") is a learning disability that causes people to invert numerals.

    My father has dyslexia and the mother and brother are just fine.

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