
Do you believe extra-ordinary people?

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Do you believe that there are particular people transformed their feature being human into certain kind of animals during full moon?




  1. no, but I believe in santa claus and sugar daddies.

  2. I don't believe...:)

  3. Nope...

  4. No, they are just made by people's creative imagination.

  5. no, because it didn't happen to me or anybody that i know. :)

  6. Can't you keep your trap shut?

    Here I am trying my darned best to keep a low profile and what you're doing is exposing me!  Shhhhh!

  7. Reason why they are being dubbed as extra-ordinary is because they are beyond and more than being ordinary. They have some extra-ordinary features, not just during a full moon but anytime and anywhere they want to. But I guess such occurences is more common during a full moon because of lunar effects, whatever that is.

    Odette transforms into a swan every full moon (the swan princess)

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