
Do you believe global warming exist or is a serious threat? Tell us your opinion?

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I personally do not believe in global warming. I think it is all hype set up by the media for a new lasting story. A few years ago we thought there was going to be another "Ice-age" but, now the ice caps are going to melt and we are all going to die? I'm not buying it. Are you?




  1. whats happening is , the polar ice caps are melting as a result of increase in temperature that side but other parts of the world are experiencing cooler climates 'cos of this , ,

    it'll go on like this for few years before the scene changes dramatically , ,

    in the meanwhile, the common man, is thinking " the politicians are B.S us 'bout global warming n stuff . .look its snowing in spring.everything must be improving "

    but spread the word fellow soldier , its kicking in & this is our last chance, if it aint over already ! !

  2. Glaciers are retreating as a result of global warming.

    Glaciers used to extend as far south as Toronto. For some unknown reason, nobody noticed that the glaciers are retreating until quite recently. Now that they are nearly gone people are getting excited about it.

    It's annoying that there are people trying to raise my taxes in order to make the glaciers advance again. It would really raise the carbon footprint if we had to snowplow ice a mile thick off highway 400.

  3. 30 years ago they said we were going to have  an ice age..

    Global Warming is farce.

  4. More like global cooling. We are having a snow storm... we never get snow past January!

    Besides, the world has been doing this since day 1, going through many changes. Before Al Gore was even born there was the same effects, hot and cold.

    It's another gimmick like in the 70's when nimrods were worried about global cooling and we were all gonna die.... we didn't die?!?!?!?!

  5. Well Global Warming does exist, and the second part of your questions proves it. It is getting warmer in some places and cooler in others.  Climate change is the real definition of GW, and its happening. I think we are in more danger from air pollution, water pollution, deforestation, and the needless drilling of oil all over the world.

  6. Global warming is definetly happening. the polar bears are dying because the ice is melting and there is nowhere for them to rest. there might be an ice - age, you never know, this is what global warming is strange weather.

  7. It definitely is happening and humans are definitely the primary cause.

    If you really do want to be open minded and know the truth and educate yourself (unlike so many people who just want to deny it without properly researching it through credible sources, not through websites funded by companies like Exxon,- yes, that is a fact, not a conspiracy theory) then this article is a good place to start:

    but you can go to the IPCC (intergovernmental panel on Climate Change) for the official reports done by thousands of climate scientists who all agree after studying decades or research that this is a real and serious problem.

  8. Global warming being man made is junk science.  The planet has had cold periods and hot periods.  There were no fossil fuels then suv's etc.  So drink Al Gore's kool-aid and be ignorant of the facts.  So did Neanderthals cooking fires melt the glaciers that ended the last ice age?  Bet you think that is true too!LOL

  9. I know global warming is serious. It is proven that it is happening. It's not because of the heat that we might all die.

    It's because of all the natural disasters happening from it. More strong hurricanes will hit and heavy rain and severe drought will be a problem. The drought will cause the crops to  die and too much rain will damage them.

  10. No i think that global warming does not exist. And people who believe it does. Just because of greenhouse effect doesn't mean that global warming exists. Global warming is a way to raise money for the government. Read this article on By: Phil Brennen. This article is about how global warming doesn't exist because ice is back .China has been hit by snowstorms. And 100,000 people have died. Al Gore who has said ice is melting in the movie Inconvenient Truth. That was a lie because he "forgot" to mention that ice was melting on the month of August which as everyone knows   that that summer. It is normal for ice to melt in that month. Global Warming does not exist.

  11. YEs i do believe

    Global Warming does exist

    it is all because of Greenhouse Effect

    and ice does melt

  12. Da surf man i agree with you.

    Climate change is just a periodic event which we have not caused. So good on someone finally expressing there belief that Global warming doesn't exist.

    Because it doesn't exist.

    EDIT: ANBIE, You know an inconvient truth.. the polar bear statistics was about how many polar bears drowned in a storm because thyey got lost. Al gore is a f*g who manipulates facts so he can manipulate viewers...

    EDIT2: Iffat you are absolutely correct. Down with al gore up with communism... jks, but al gore is a f@g and global warming doesn't exist.

  13. Global Warming is really true. Ethanol is a dangerous green house gas that makes UV rays stronger and melts the ice caps, changing the weather globally. The effects are really slow now, but  when it's too late it can't be reversed..

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