
Do you believe global warming is a major problem?

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Do you believe global warming is a major problem?




  1. You've got to have your head buried pretty far in the sand to think that global warming is anything less than a huge problem that we need to address immediately-

  2. no, In fact I believe that the current warming period has peaked and temps are now on the decline. That's why the global warming nuts (Al Gore) are in such a rush to pass their environmental restrictions. Follow the money Gore owns the company that receives payments for "carbon Offsets" If it were economical to produce ethanol as a fuel then business would have already jumped at the open market. and the light bulb manufacturers needed to lobby congress to outlaw incandescent light bulbs to create a market for the compact fluorescent bulbs. all on the pretext of saving the earth, just look who gets rich from any new laws.

  3. yes, but i don't think it's all because of humans. the earth is now and always has been changing. sometimes it changed without us. it's a normal process for any planet. i do think that we may have sped it up a bit.

  4. No.

  5. yes

  6. The attempts to discredit the warnings about global warming remind me of the people of Pompeii, who, when smoke started coming out of the top of Vesuvius, said"it is nothing, it will go away".

    If the claim that global warming will cause the climate over the whole world to be more extreme, that it will be hotter, colder, stormier and drier at different times and different places on earth, than that is enough to make global warming a major problem, since that change is enough to kill millions and destroy property all over the globe, and that change is already becoming evident.

    Now, if the warnings about melt down of polar ice in Greenland and Antarctica will become true, even marginally so, and it seems to go in this direction already, it will cause some rise in sea level ,and flooding of low places on land, that is a major economic damage, since a substantial number of human settlements are near coasts and close to sea level.

    anything beyond that is close to a total doomsday scenario.

    so I say  that global warming has the immediate potential to be a major global problem.

  7. yeah

  8. yes, i very much believe that g.warming has been a major problem. g. warming caused due to increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the environment. CO2 gas absorbs more amount of heat, that's why venus is more hotter than mercury cuz venus has a great amt. of co2. the g. warming is the reason that in ny , every year the amt of snowfal is decreasing and the ice from the poles has started melting.

    we can stop this g. warming by decreasing the amt of co2 and increasing amt. of oxygen from the environtment by planting more and more trees.

  9. Today here is what we know:  many of mankind’s advancements cause earth surface to warm, destroy the ozone layer, kill off endanger species, heat cities, and in some way cause more destruction.  Blacktop (roads and parking lots), buildings, air pollution (causes lung and other diseases), deforestation, duststorms (which increase hurricanes and cyclones and cause lung diseases), fires (cause pollution, mud slides, and deforestation), refrigerants (like CFC's), solvents (including benzene destroy the ozone layer raising skin cancer rates) and plastics; cars, airplanes, ships and most electricity production (causes pollution including raised CO2 levels) are human problems we need to fix to keep life on earth sustainable! That is why I founded, a geoengineering web sight. The federal government needs to adopt a pollution surcharge to balance the field and advance new technologies. We must pay the real price of oil (petrochemicals) including global warming, cleanup and for health effects. But with that we must understand we have never seen what is now happening before. CO2 has never lead to temperature change, but temperature change has led to increases in CO2. The models have to be made as we go along with little evidence! The result is:  change is on the way, we just do not know what changes. But again adding a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere enlarges the earths sun collection causing warming; increase water in the atmosphere and they form clouds cooling earth but causing flooding. Even natural events are warming earth and causing destruction. The sun has an increased magnetic field causing increases in earthquakes (more destruction), volcanoes (wow, great destruction), and sun spots. Lighting produces ozone near the surface (raising air pollution levels). But humans have destroyed half of the wetlands, cut down nearly half of the rain forest, and advance on the earths grasslands while advancing desertification which increases duststorms. The USA Mayor's have taken a stand and I believe are on the right track, we can have control and can have economic growth. With the peak of oil in the 1970’s, the peak of ocean fishing in the 1980’s, humans must stop procrastinating and make real changes to keep earth sustainable including in the energy debate, finance and regulation. The sun is available to produce energy, bring light to buildings and makes most of human’s fresh water. Composting is the answer to desertification. New dams are the answer to fresh water storage, energy and cooling earth by evaporation, we need many small one all over (California needs 100 by 2012 and has not even started).

    President Bush has made a choice of energy (ethanol) over food and feeding the starving people around the world, he will kill his billions; this is a choice China has rejected.

    So you make the call, Major Problem?

  10. It is a problem as much as any change on a planetary scale is a problem... and our reaction is just as important.  We are all feeling the effects of earth changes.  She changes a lot.  Our reaction is as natural as the changes our world is going through.  Simply put, if we do not adapt, we will die.  The drive to change with our world is as old as life on this planet. It is pure instinct.  The wise will adapt, others will not.  It may be a major problem, but it is one, I believe, we can ultimately adapt to.

  11. Why not.

    Arctic Ice Melting Much Faster Than Predicted

    A NASA scientist has predicted that the Arctic Ocean may be ice-free in the summer of 2012.

    Betting on sea ice: following the herd

    Scientist: 'Arctic is screaming'

  12. I think that global warming  is a real issue that should be a concern to us all now and is only going to get worse, rapidly.

    However, I think that people are getting confused by the expanding population, the planets inability to support us, the wiping out of the fish stock, the extinction of flora and fauna, coral bleaching, expanding desert, arctic ice melting, third world debt, poverty and starvation, illeagal logging, multi drug resistant TB, and all the other issues facing humanity and then pushing them all together and labeling it as "global warming". Some of these issues are a result of  (global warming) and some are the result of over 6.5 BILLION people destroying the environment.

    And then they see the problem as to big to start fixing, so, therefore there is no point to do anything about it as no one else is, etc. However all these issues can be broken down and we ,collectively, could go someway to solving them. However, unfortunately, we are human and historically, when ever there has been a time to band together for the good of all, we have choose to bomb, kill, invade, and attack and take what ever we wanted from our neighbors. *Sigh*.

    So, yes I feel that global warming is man made but I am rapidly changing my opinion about if we can do anything to stop or slow its progress. If, as they say, the Arctic will be summer ice free in 5 years then the Europe that we know today will cease to exist in a decade. The Planet will be thrown into chaos with mass migration, panic, and starvation on a scale never before seen. The deniers and skeptics are constanly saying it is a hoax and doesnt exist but what if the opposite was true? 'What if' the future is so bleak and no one wants us to know to prevent the chaos that would surely follow?? I am just saying "what if" but it makes you think...

    Check this out its really cool and puts things into perspective. click on the now button and it will all zero.

    and have you watched this?

  13. Remember all the panic about global warming is all over just 0.6 degrees over the last 100 years.

    So no, 0.006 degrees is not a problem.

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