
Do you believe global warming is happening? Why?

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What do you think is the cause of global warming? Why? Facts?

Do you think its real? Why? Facts?




  1. i dont beleive its happening . i know its happening because it keeps getting hotter and hotter every day.

  2. YES!!!!! Global warming IS happening! The hole in the ozone layer is getting larger.

  3. Taking a scientific approach, I researched several scientific databases. After reading the NASA data where they talk about how the surface temperature of all nine planets in the solar system is rising in direct relationship to their distance from the sun (except Jupiter which is also warming from it's own internal heat), and how they measured that - I don't worry about global warming anymore.

    I can't change the heat output of the sun nor the solar cycles, nor can I change the surface temperatures of the other planets. These things are simply beyond my power to even influence.

  4. Instead of watching a "science" based movie that does not use the SCIENTIFIC METHOD. Do your own research.

    Read "An Inconvenient Book".

    Look at historical temperature records.

    Read something written by legit paleo-climatologist.


    Everything on the earth goes in cycles.

    It gets hotter and colder every day (as the sun goes down).

    It gets hotter and colder every year (seasons).

    We live in a span of time between ice ages.

    The sun has been 800% more actively spewing solar flares and those pesky rays the last few years.

    Cows make more greenhouse gasses than SUVs.

    The new religion is a Eco-Green-Cult whose god is Gaia and whose prophet is Al Gore.

  5. Don't you know, global warming is really happening. The water levels are soon going to rise and the world is coming to an end. Hundreds of people living even hundreds of miles away from the sea coast will drown on the coming seven or eight years if care is not taken. I may be one too.

  6. yes.  clearly it's happening,  and our burning coal and oil are the cause.

    the reason i think that is that all of the honest science organizations say the same thing.

    organizations like NOAA, NASA, NSF, NAS, EPA, MIT, and many more.

    "May 19, 2008: The National Academies have released the 2008 edition of "Understanding and Responding to Climate Change," a free booklet designed to give the public a comprehensive and easy-to-read analysis of findings and recommendations from our reports on climate change."  <== here's a good description.  <== not regulated by the government.

    i find all the "I do my own research" folks interesting (deluded).

    as if they're smarter than the PhDs that have been studying the climate for many years.

    it used to, and still does, bother me that people seem to really think that they know things.

    however, i found this interesting:

    the shorter version of this is,  "It's not what you don't know that hurts you, it's what you know that just ain't so."

    which has been attributed to many folks, including  Mark Twain,  Yogi Berra, Ronald Reagan, Satchel Paige, Will Rogers,  Appalachian folk saying, and many more.

    or, one might say,   "The greatest obstacle to knowledge is not ignorance; it is the illusion of knowledge."  Daniel Boorstein.

  7. Global warming is happening.Prior to Industrial Revolution (18 th Century) CO2 was forming as a Catabolic product of all living organisms.This CO2 was converted back to Oxygen by Photo Synthesis.

    6CO2+6H20>< C6H12O6+6O2 -there was an ecological balance.--after Industrial Revolution more and more Countries started using Fossil fuels (Charcoal,petrol, Diesel and other Synthetic Organic fuels burning resulted in enormous (Logarithamic proportions) production of CO2--(Glass/Green House effect)---For each molecule of CO2,=393.5 kiloJoules of Heat is produced .By denudation of forests by Greedy Human race for Construction Timber-Charcoal(millions of hectares of forests are being burned)--green foliage fastly getting depleted and  CO2>>O2 conversion is depleted at detrimental levels---so the atmosphere is becominf warmer day by day at alarming levels.Ecologists' feeble protests are ignored by Greedy Politicians ,who are more powerful and "Power Brokers".  


  8. Global warming is a fact. Anyone that doesn't believe it simply hasn't truly researched it so they don't understand.

  9. Global warming is already happening dont you see unexpected weather.the weather is really weird. too much thunderstorms ←  i guess  this is just the begiiniing if we dont try to stop this  :(

  10. yes the earth is warming, but not at the record braking speed that we are supposed to believe, the earth was once much warmer than now and that change is caused by the sun not co2, co2 is not a pollutant

  11. Global warming is happening and it is caused by man.  I think this is true because scientific organizations like NAS, AAAS, and NASA say that it is happening.

    "The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society. Accumulating data from across the globe reveal a wide array of effects: rapidly melting glaciers, destabilization of major ice sheets, increases in extreme weather, rising sea level, shifts in species ranges, and more. The pace of change and the evidence of harm have increased markedly over the last five years. The time to control greenhouse gas emissions is now."

    AAAS Board Statement on Climate Change

  12. ah. you should definately watch inconvenient truth and 11th hour. they're quite on the same side that WE cause all of that global warming, that the temperature has increased by a 100 times than normal order.

    the good part is that after we vanish, the world will probably recover itself.

  13. Ha HA HA

    how can u ask that/

    ItIS happening all around u

  14. NO !!! It is propagated by Gore ,and he doesn't believe in it. Even if he was serious I doubt it....

  15. Global warming is a scam...and about as far-removed from science as anything can be.  Man has no capacity to affect the climate unless you're a socialist and then man is guilty of everything you can think of.

    Al Gore, his junk-scientists and lobbyists and their followers are looking for money and ways to manipulate peoples' behaviour.

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