
Do you believe/have an experience w/ people who have died communicating w/ u?? symbols, feelings, objects??

by  |  earlier

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i feel that spirits can communicate in alot of ways.i feel it depends on how receptive n perceptive you r.4instance when i was groin up my great grandmother passed when i was 8years old.she was 92.we were really close n my mom has told me how much she loved me n cared 4me...great grandma had this leather cross that she kept n her Bible n carried w/ her everywhere she went.when i was 22 n goin thru some really rough times,n along w/ Prayer, n my Bible,i carried that cross w/ me everywhere i went.well after i got thru my ordeal i noticed i had misplaced da cross.looked everywhere for it,i never found it.about 9months lata i was goin thru another rough time n i was distraught n bout 2drive 2class 4an exam.i was n a rush bein15mins late.b4 i left my house, i went 2grab my wallet off a table.i had set it there less than 10minutes earlier.on top of my wallet was the leather cross. i was shocked, awed, and just amazingly touched. As i was driving 2class




  1. 4sure I did!  U2?  2B or not 2B, that is the question.

  2. These sort of things also happen to me.

    The important question is, do you believe it? Nobody here can confirm or deny your experience, because they are yours and you own them. You are still young and living your life will answer these questions.

    I have many angels in my life.

  3. no

  4. Thanks. But we don't need a lesson in txt 101.

  5. I personally believe that it could have been your grandmother looking out for you. I think too, that many times we dream of our dead relatives because that is the easiest way for them to communicate with us. When asleep , our minds are more open to it. Most people just chalk it up to dreams but if they had an experience like yours instead of a dream they might feel differently.

  6. You are far more likely to attribute natural events to a supernatural source if you believe in the supernatural to begin with.  I have no belief in the supernatural, so all of my explanations have had to come from natural sources.  So far I haven't had any problems in that area.

  7. No I don't believe.I do believe I'd die if I tried to read that question or whatever it was again.

  8. That's really interesting. Some people would call that a coincidence..others would say it's beyond coincidence..others would say it's your grandmother. I think it was your grandmother..or her influence at least.  I think sometimes they ..or angels can get into people's heads and tell them to "put that cross there" or "move into the other lane" etc. etc. If you had "heard" something that told you to move to the other lane and you had just told yourself it was a might not be telling this story right now.

    Yes..I've had those things happen to me a lot. They don't happen as much as they used to though.

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