
Do you believe in 'the abilities' of a Medium?

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i'm still sitting on the fence, but i've had various mediums 'spot' different things about me, but were very generalised

what are your thoughts on this subject

im not believing or skeptical lol




  1. no way!

  2. I believe that life and death leave an 'Aura' (for want of a better word) in a home. Houses that have never been lived in or empty houses feel different from houses occcupied by a family, at least to me. I suppose it is possible that there are very sensitive people who can read especially strong auras as one might think would be left by violent death.

    What I can't believe is that the dead have nothing better to do than hang around scaring the living. I also can't believe that if I were dead I wouldn't figure it out sooner or later. I grant others the same intelligence.  Whether you believe in Heaven, Rebirth or just ceasing to exist, Ghosts just aren't logical.  To believe in mediums, one has to believe in ghosts.

  3. I think that it's possible and that it does happen....just not "at will". I don't think you can "make" a spirit communicate just because you want it to. Usually it's a surprise when it happens..and I think the spirits can use anybody they want to get their message to the person they want. What do you think happens at churches every Sunday?

  4. If you're refering to their ability to extract money from the weak minded I'd have to say they have a great ability to do that.

  5. Get off the fence and buy some of my magic beans!

  6. I believe in them as much as they believe in themselves!


    Princess Di, JFK, had their own personal ones, I saw the Princesses one on TV claiming that ‘she’ Knew that the terrible events in Paris was going to take place! Do you, like me, see the hole in this logic?

    This link has the (Old Moore's Almanack Published yearly Dating Back to 1697)'s...

    I find it interesting to look at old copies and se they have never got a single prediction right to date

  7. No, but I still enjoy the show

  8. The only ability any medium has demonstrated is their ability to fool gullible people. I'm glad you're thinking about this and not just buying into their cold-reading mumbo-jumbo. No, a medium has NEVER been able to demonstrate any psychic ability under controlled testing. But they fool a lot of people by giving many vague predictions which the believers seize on.

  9. I do believe. Every medium My girlfriend has been to described Me down to the last detail.

    Edit: Although I believe, I don't expect everyone else to believe.

  10. No,I limit the things I'm a fool for to love.

  11. After watching Sylvia Browne on Montel, lo these many years, how could I not?  If Sylvia and Montel aren't legit, I don't know what is.


  12. i am very skepical about mediums, but on the other handmy mum had this likefortune teller walk up to her in the street, not asking for any money and she said to her not to worry so much about the daughter of hers who was pregnant (which at the time was me) and that the baby up in heaven was very happy about having a new little brother...i had had a still born at 36 weeks about 15 months before at the time... then another time again with my mum, she went to a medium, wasnt intending taking it seriously, just at the coast...and the woman have just become or are just about to be widowed...we had lost my dad only a few months before...she also went on to talk about how many kids she had, she said she had 4 or 2 or both conbined...(my eldest sisters are close in age then they went 3 years before having another and 7 years before having me...)she also said about my dad being with a toddler, (my son i persume) and a lot more factual was so unreal

  13. Get hold of a couple of cold reading scripts off the Internet and see for yourself.

  14. No, and I would stake my life savings on the fact that the famous mediums you see, John Edward, VanPrague, Sylvia Browne, etc do not really believe in the powers of mediums either. If they did, they wouldn't perform cold-readings, which is exactly what they do. Study up on the art of cold-reading, and you will be able to spot the fakes. You will realize, the good one, who seem to be very psychic are the fakes, the ones who really believe have questionable abilities.

  15. i believe in the abilities of a medium rare steak and chips to fill my belly up

  16. Mr Nice Guy, if more people thought like you, the world would be a much much better place :D

    I will have to agree wholeheartedly with you.

    As to the question.... errrr.... no. I think that the whole thing is absurd. I welcome the day when mediums will finally have no more gullible people paying extorsionate amounts for a load of old b*llsh*t.

    I am a skeptic and, about mediums (or is that media?) I am proud to be so.

  17. Dear friend,

    Trying to split your question into two….first question is do you believe in abilities? And do mediums have such abilities? right….

    Yes here abilities means having ‘sixth sense’,  that is knowing subtle world which is beyond our five senses, mind and intellect….Yes individual who is regular practicing spirituality when progresses on the path develops ‘Sixth Sense’ or in other term ‘ability’ to know from the subtle dimension.

    For detailed article about how to develop Sixth Sense please refer the following link……


    With regards to mediums, yes  when person starts progressing spiritually, he develops ability to know the subtle world and also gets power to heal. But person above spiritual level of 50% only has ability to heal with real divine consciousness where as person below 50% spiritual level don’t really do healing with divine energy.  For details about healers or mediums please refer to below link:


    With warm regards,


  18. That's the problem they always generalize everything and give you enough room to hang yourself into believeing that they are real.  Too me it is more of a less correct form of profiling.  I'm not saying that there isn't the possibilty of a "real" medium, I am wagering though it is only one in a million.

  19. NO!

  20. It depends on your precise definition of abilities. I question whether or not they are communicating with surviving spirits of the deceased or if they are picking up information from the person they are reading via ESP.

    Certainly there are people that claim to be mediums that are very good at the magic trick of cold reading and never seem willing to work with actual scientist.

    Then again there is an attempt in science at the University of Arizona by Dr. Gary Schwartz to study mediumship in such a way that cold readings and other easily overcome objections are not considerations in the research.

    (links below)


  21. NO

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