
Do you believe in Al Gore's "The Incovenient Truth"?

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If so, then what are you doing about global warming?

I need to hear your answers, esp Americans.




  1. Here is my opinion.;...

  2. The movie is nothing but an extended sales pitch for Gore's "emissions trading" company.  It if rife with factual errors, lies and faked footage.

  3. Al Gore seems to be taking a bad rap, for a book intended as a "wake up" call.

    No different than the book written in 1967, called the "Silent Spring", warning everyone about the long term effects on birds from all the pesticides and chemicals we used so carelessly.

    15 years later, she was right and even our great national symbol, the bald eagle was critically endangered, as were hundreds of other birds.

    Pessimists (naysayers, critics and skeptics) will say "the glass is half full"........................those who "understand" what is being said, will say "Hey, it's half empty..........we need to find a way to fill it back up".

    It's not a Faith or Belief..........................and personally, it's not  man "caused", although we have certainly speeded up the's a natural, recurring cycle and there's nothing we can do to reverse it.

  4. No, and neither does Al Gore.  He has already publicly admitted that he deliberately exaggerated many of the "facts" to make a point and to foster a sense of urgency.  This is of course political speak for "I lied to make sure you agreed with me."

  5. Changes in temperature and overall climate change is part of a natural cycle, but humans are contributing to some of the negative affects. I don't know to what extent we're harming the planet. I don't know if what we are contributing is unrecoverable, or just a drop in the bucket.

    The earth has gone through these cycles before. In that it's like our bodies that go through times of sickness and times of healing. We weren't made to last forever, nor was our planet.

    My question is, is the planet aging and dying a natural death, or are we killing it?

    I tend to fall on the side of dying a natural death, but there is no harm in trying to do what we can on a personal level. Recycle, reuse, car pool, plant trees and flowers and don't litter. Conserve energy and water, and just be aware of what you use and try not to waste.

  6. People get it wrong. Its not a "belief". Its reality.

  7. yes, I believe altho im an asian, we do something as a civic club member and as an individual to minimize use of all our electric appliances sp aircon unit. use of water heater, we are now working on helping some car owners to go thru smoke emission test and install an environment friendly gadget on our vehicles to help in some way to minimize pollution

  8. Yes I do. I know that a lot of people say it is creating a panic for nothing but even if it is not all the absolute truth I don't see how making people care about what they are doing to the environment does any harm it can't hurt only help. as for me I am doing a little I am growing my own garden this year i have changed all my light bulbs to the most energy efficient ones I could find I have made a compost bin I am driving as little as possible and I have started to recycle as much as I can but that is just a start I am always looking for new ways to conserve

  9. I am mexican, I belive in Gore´s opinion becouse it is the truth.

    People from industialized countries shoud reduce the oil comsuption

  10. I think that anyone who chooses not to believe it... is rather unwise and trying to fool themselves.

    The controversy now is whether or not humans are the cause of it. I am very much sure that humans cause a good deal of it - to not think so is foolish. Man's recent contribution to the total levels of CO2 have offset the natural process and have caused the world to warm. While the Earth has always had natural cycles of warming and cooling, the rate at which the current warming is increase is far beyond the normal variation. The International Panel on Climate Change and all scientific societies have accepted anthropogenic global warming as fact.

    Me? I recycle all paper, plastic, and glass, and keep my heat below 70 degrees in the winter. I send all my old clothing to the Salvation Army instead of landfills, and buy all natural food. It's not a lot, but if we all did at least that, I'm sure the world could be a drastically different place.

    I hope that people don't try to convince themselves much longer that global warming is a myth - it's hurting Mother Nature more and more every day.

    I'm 14 and American.

  11. I'm British and i feel that his book is all white lies. What he is saying is not wrong but it isn't the whole story. For example he claims the North Pole is melting, OK but i have heard there is more snow falling over the south pole than ever before. Also, the maps he shows about areas like NYC and Bangladesh and The Netherlands being flooded, he says this would happen if the polar ice caps melt (as in all of them), not the small percentage which is actually melting.

  12. Not in a million years

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