
Do you believe in Bigfoot/Sasquatch?

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What do you think about sasquatch?




  1. no.

  2. Not really. If there it enough evidence to prove big foot is around, maybe I would believe it.

  3. well on this subject its hard, because im not sure wether there i belive in a 10ft monkeyman wondering round BUT there is evidance to suggest there is an unknown primate, as hair samples have been found, although there is many species we dont know about.

    for example the giant squid was just stuff of myths and legends untill bodys were washed up and thats when we took it seriously, so its quiet possible that it could exsist we will just have to wait and see i suppose :)

  4. I believe it is possible that it exists.

    I'd have to be very closed minded not to.

  5. It would be real fun if they existed and it's fun to believe so, but the truth is NO, because they do not exist.  That so-called film made back in the 60s has proven to be a fake, and so have many other things concerned with this.  It is the type of thing that is far, far to easy to fabricate, and unscrupulous people just love doing exactly that.

    I just don't believe it.

  6. NO

  7. no- nobody has been able to prove their existance. the myth has been arounds for decadesprbably more then a hundred years, which means their would have to be more then one. we have never seen a skeloton of a dead one. its hard to find bear skelotons but atleast we see bears.

    so no

  8. Nope....its all a myth

  9. Nonsense.

  10. It is possible that an ape type man has evolved and never been found, when m,an first went to the bottom of the ocean they fought nothing copuld live down there but the discovered millions of new speices and manis always discovering new dinosaur and other past animal remains and fossils. I do believe something like a bigfoot does exist

  11. i think it is piontless to search for big foot

    1) they can be mistaken for bears

    2) they would be exterminated if they were real because we would fear them which would lead to their extinction

    3)"evidence" is easily hoaxable

    4)its probalby going to be extinct within a few decades as we level forests everyday

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