
Do you believe in Bigfoot or Chupacabra?

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Do you believe in Bigfoot or Chupacabra?




  1. There is not one iota of doubt in my mind that big-foot is a very real creature... But I have never seen a chupacabra, Now I have seen animals that were supposed to have been killed by this creature... And do to the mess on the ground these attacks look very real.... But the way the Governments come in and cleans up so quickly and pays the farmers for their losses after each attacks makes me wonder if the chupacbra is a native earth creature or something else not of this world.......... And another thing why are the attacks on young or small human being kept so quiet...... And those that did not know that young or small humans are being attacked also, Well that means that you need to do a little more research................

  2. Chupacabra, totally.. have you seen s****. doo and the monsters of mexico???  haha.. :)  Oh, and La Llorona.. there's one for Lulu! :)  

  3. i beleive in both....

  4. ha ha ha your killing me here...I believe in the cucuy cucuy(ask Flor)

  5. No. I am sure there is an explanation for things that happened and things people saw other than weird creatures that can never be found.

  6. La Chupacabra of course.  I saw a documentary on it where two FBI agents were chasing it down!

  7. People, I thought everybody knew about Bigfoot coming clean. The Bigfoot guy confessed about his scam just a few weeks before he died. He showed the reporters all his stuff, his son is still alive and I believe he said he helped video tape his dad in the gorilla suit. The old fellow lived in Northern California close to the forests where the videos were taken. He kept the mystery going and liked the attention he got. He did say he came very close a few times at being found out, but was fortunate at not getting caught or even shot at. Maybe an internet search will bear most of this out. I`ll be checking it out.

    Does anybody know of any other Bigfoot imposters

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