
Do you believe in Christmas magic?

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I can remember being a child and finding out the truth about Christmas( I'm sure you know what I mean) My Father told me that there was Christmas Magic? After all these years I must say I agree. It seems that good things happen to good people around the Holidays. Do you agree? Do you have any stories you want to share?




  1. Yes, I believe in Christmas magic.  I think the season brings the best in people.  Whether they make a donation to the needy or invite someone who is lonely to a celebration.

    Also, watch children during the season, they say it all.    

  2. The Christmas season does seem to put most people in a good mood at least for short spells.  Between shopping, cooking, wrapping gifts attending parties and traveling to the home of distant relatives I think most of us get plain old tired at Christmas.  The Christmas Magic is always there and wonderful for all the children....  and the young at heart.

  3. Yes I do.Christmas Magic is in your heart and the hearts of those you love and care for.To know the real magic of Christmas,just look into the faces and eyes of little children.That's pure Christmas Magic.Christmas will be so special this year as I have a new baby great grandson who will be 9 months old this Christmas.

  4. I definately believe in Christmas magic, its amazing how many people are lit up and happy around the holidays. I have 2 stories, 1 from childhood and 1 from when I was older.

    My mom, Dad(stepdad-i consider my dad), sister and myself lived in a small house that had a tiny bedroom upstairs which was my sisters, and a small attic off of that. my stepdad was very creative and took a rope and tied a bell on one end and fed it through a hole in the ceiling of their bedroom closet that went up to the tiny attic upstairs. Well early Christmas morning I would go to wake up my sister, well my dad would come out and say, "guys, I think I hear Santa!!" Well all of a sudden we'd hear sleigh bells coming from above. At the time it startled us and I think we screamed, but after it was all said and done, we'd tell our friends and family that we heard santas sleigh bells. We came to know later that my mom would creep out of bed while my dad was with us, and pull the string to make the sleigh bells ring in the attic. That was just one of the many fun things my mom and dad would do to make Christmas "magical for my sister and I. As for being an adult and experiencing magic, it seems to just be when I'm with my family, we don't see each other much, and around the holiday's we always make the time to spend the day together. even though we have a huge family of more distant relatives, we've cut it down to being just my sister and her kids and husband, me and my husband, and my mom and dad. That may not be super magical to some people but it is to me.  

  5. I tried for years to make a magic Christmas at my house but to no avail.  Maybe it's about the people and not the holiday itself.  One of these Christmases I'll get to spend it with people who like Christmas as much as I do.

  6. Of Course i do!, i believe that good deeds are rewarded with joy, and i still believe in Santa Claus, i do not care what people say!!

    Here is a christmas countdown that you might like:

    Merry early Christmas

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