
Do you believe in Darwin's idea that the majority of humans are biological garbage?

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Do you believe in Darwin's idea that the majority of humans are biological garbage?




  1. Huh?

    You'd need to explain what you're talking about. I don't recall reading anything by Darwin calling the majority of humans "biological garbage" -- nor is it at all clear what that phrase even means.

    If you actually HAVE a question, you need to ask it in such as way as we know what you're asking.

  2. Wow you really love to load your questions. Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer only yes or no!

  3. You have made up your mind already... but I would like to suggest you post to the religious boards & stay away from science and anthropology. Chuckle, some obviously are.

  4. Nope. sorry i don't like the idea that i am some "accident". It does not make any sense. We are the only species on earth that has an idea of a greater purpose. Granted that most of the us never grasped what the greater purpose is, does not mean that we don't have an inkling that we exist for a reason.

    So for Darwin's idea, i say sorry, but i prefer to think that God had a plan for me when i was placed here on earth.

    I don't see any monkeys (real ones) typing out a message that makes sense. Words define thoughts, without words there are no thoughts.

  5. Yes, as the majority of humanity now living on this Earth would have died because of natural selection due to then being weak,disabled,stupid,etc. homo sapiens as a species as been way overly successful in regards to resource exploitation and allowing too many people to live. The so-called 'Green Revolution' of the 1960/70s,which introduced petro-chemical  fertilizer based farming techniques to the Third World nations allowed far to many people to happen,but also in due course helped perpetrate environmental degradation of soils and also helped destroy habitat for wildlife just so some dumb-@ZZ,lazy third world bum to exist needlessly.

    Ever read the tragedy of the commons? or just watch bacteria go at it in a small petri dish to consume as many resources as possible? That's what I'm talking about here.

  6. I don't know what you mean when you say garbage.  But here is how I see things.  The process of evolution is proven for many animals at least and we are an animal so we evolved as well. However, it was God that created the conditions for life to begin and it was God that created the laws of nature that govern evolution.  Therefore God created humans through evolution.  Evolution and Creation are both right.

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