
Do you believe in Deja Vu? Has it happened to you?

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I have been in those situations and also in the sitation where I see places that I feel are so familar even though I never been there and I seem to know my way around them well and also, about being at places I had dreamt of previously. Have any of you all had the same experience? Please share. Also, why do you think it happens?




  1. Excuse-me but this word " Deja Vu "  this word has several meanings ?

  2. I Have those alot isn't it weird how the words people are speaking,the way the room looks ,the smells,everything are exactly like you remember from another place and time. You just sit there and freak out cuz that feeling comes over you. Maybe it's  reincarnation,or dimensions colliding?I seen this special on TV where this lady kept dreamingg about these kids,their names,where she lived,her husbands name and it was nowhere or nobody she had ever met before. She did some research and actually found this family and guess what? their Mother had passed years earlier and the children when she located them were older than her. She told them things that only their mother had said to them and stories she knew of them as children,explain that? Maybe their mom was reincarnated into her. It haunted her so much she had to find out if they were real and they were. they even validated conversations they had with their mom that she knew. CREEPY!!!!!

  3. YES YES YES!!!! It happens to me all the time, in fact, I had it just the other day! My mom was driving me somewhere, and when we got there, I felt like I have been there, and had seen myself doing exactly what I had just done.  

  4. yes i believe in Deja Vu, and also i experiance it all the time.....its really starting to get annoying

  5. Yeah i believe in Deja vu n ive experienced it many times but i dont know why it happens.

    i can give u one example,When i was talkin with my friend about somethin i had a feeling as if it had all happened already it was like reliving a scene

  6. I have it every six months.  I actually dream of the event exactly as it happens, but I usually take it as just a dream then boom it happens.  I often dream of being in a certain place, doing a certain thing.  I once dreamed about saving a person and a few months later, I doing my morning jog and this little girl ran across me into the street and my mind clicked off and my body sprung into action and ran across, picked up the girl and landed in the ditch.  I had headphones on and didn't know the car was even there.  I always doubted my instincts worked that well, but I was distracted by the girl running mindlessly across the street.  

    I don't usually have strong dreams, but when I do, they often happen, so yeah it's real.  

    I always thought it was done by people who are in tuned with their imaginative, creative side.  Those who may be right-minded, instead of the logical left-minded but you never know.

  7. i get deju vu ALL THE TIME shoot 4/5 times a week it crazy and i blive that deju vu are dreams you have dremt but you have forgotten since little is known about the dreamworld its plaibale i also belive when you sleep/ dream parts of your brain works that makes you more receptive to psychic "visions" the brain is so unmapped its uncharted territory this is my theory dont expect it in a book this is just me doing  some good ole thinking

  8. i have deja vu all the time! whether it be im standing in a certain pose at a certain time in a certain place, and i remember it. it's like you feel you've done this before when you obviously couldnt. it's the weirdest thing, but i have no explanation to why it happens.

  9. yeah i get deja vu alot,i'll be talking to someone on the phone and then the feeling comes to me that this has happened before.I don't know exactly what causes it or why we can't remember what happens next...we need to research it

  10. Do I believe in it? Well its not that, its just there. I get it alot. Like Im at a store buying something, and then I remmeber doing this, then looking over to see a banana with a big black spot on it, and a ugly girl Or something.

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