
Do you believe in E.S.P or TELekinesis has anyone seen indisputable proof ? Stories please?

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i knew you would answer like that




  1. Sure, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't some type of hoax or special effects either. Look into remote viewing. What we see isn't always the truth, just our interpretation.

  2. I do believe in it, everyday there is proof in my life it exists. I have visions of my next experience (say somebody I know is about to approach me from around the corner). I know when my kid sneaks up behind me, I know when someone is looking at me. I know when I'm being haunted by a ghost, I know when someone is talking about me or thinking about me, and even seeing the visual (also called remote viewing) I know how skeptics think and feel, 'cos I am one too. Skeptics get frustrated and lash out because they have to live in a mundane world. It's true there is a fine line which separates two states of mind. I just don't see how someone can live in this world and not see the wonder and connection of  the physical world and energetic world.

    We have cell phones now, we've recreated ourselves into little robots with frequencies.  Check out the Q-bit computer.

    Still working on telekinesis...

  3. Okay some people only believe what there 5 main senses tell them, But can they explain why you can feel it when somebody is staring at you.  isn't that some evidence of a sort of esp?

  4. Telekinesis.  Never.  Not without indirectly affecting some radio receiver.

    E.S.P.  The term is so vague, who knows?  Sometimes things or events give off more for us humans to feel than meets the eye (pun). I'm not so quick to judge E.S.P.  in general because I think our subconsciousness  (if you can believe in THAT concept, which is also a bit questionable) is quite a bit more aware of things than what we are consciously aware.  I have had events happen where I was surprised when I correctly predicted the next event X, only to realize I predicted the event because in the past, such events often were preceded by a normal and predictable sequence of events of (which I had some slight awareness of) that would generally lead up to an event like X.    By noting and feeling minutia events, my mind was correctly able to interpolate what would happen next.  I think many occurrences of ESP are related to that concept.  In these cases, there's no extra sensory involved, necessarily.  

    Sometimes, however, certain limitations (or actual features) give us the ability to perceive things that others can not. Arthritis and the level of pain felt have been associated with weather conditions, and this has been known for quite some  time.  At one time, people with certain filings in the teeth claimed they could hear the radio! (Is that an urban legend, I don't know.  But a crystal radio doesn't require that much electronics to work without any power, so it may not be infeasible). Apparently some people do literally have the ability to see frequencies of light that others cannot (like two colors of green), which might also be considered extra-sensory.

    My point is, we aren't always aware of all that we do know.  And when we confine ourselves to thinking people must be able to know only X or must be able to feel only Y, we've done ourselves a great disservice.  A more moderate stance may be needed on occasion.

    BTW, side note to Mr, Physics-Student You'd be surprised how many medical procedures are executed that (ethically or otherwise) CANNOT be scientifically proven to be effective. There's no placebo test for surgeries.

  5. I don't know...I don't care, it doesn't matter....there are many things on this Earth that we do not know of or understand, humans are truly stupid to think they know everything......anyways if you are interested by this type of stuff go to

    I think I have made psi balls but who knows really...

  6. I definitely believe in Telekinesis.Every time I am around one of my friends,things start to move.Usually a coffee mug or an ornament.Every time I ask her about she laughs,but it really freaks me out!

  7. Yes, there is no such thing as evolution, only spiritual evolution, and even that is a term I object to in use by others. Basically it works like this, you as humans eat; this creates electricity (contraction and nerve function and heat (body heat 98.6).

    Energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed." Does this sound familiar? It is the Law of Conservation of Energy

    Now, when you die, what happens? Electrical function ceases, and at that moment in time you physically weigh less.

    The spirit and or soul, the energy that leaves the body continues.

    OK now with that short non-Yale education, we can look at the possibility of inter-connections on a wave type scale for these (communications) this is not only possible but probable, have you ever been watching a show, or someone ask you a difficult question, then wham, you impressed yourself by knowing the answer? Or even something as simple as deja vu? People are connected to a wave network of thought, and most don't now how to access the (internet) if you will. Or people talk about an accident moving in slow motion, this is your brain accessing those abilities to assist in insuring survival.

    Deja Vu and the accident example are more complicated issues relating to energy versus time. as is explained in  Schrödinger equation (which equates energy operator to full energy of a particle or a system) describes the space- and time-dependence of quantum mechanical systems and bound systems the solution of this equation is discrete (a set of permitted states, each characterized by an energy level). In quantum wave mechanics energy is related to the frequency of the wave by the Planck equation E = hν (where h is the Planck's constant and ν the frequency).

    So is it possible, yes, can people show you, don't know but perhaps asking the question is the first step. You must go on this journey alone. For if I am right, it is proof of something greater, G_D perhaps, I believe in the Books of Moses, I believe we where created in G_D's image, therefore we may be able to some day attain a higher level.

    Good Luck on your journey,

    So Sayeth the Impaler!

  8. I believe it!

    Why? I don't know. I just do.

    I think it's because "odd occurances" run in my family. Some of us see things, or sense things. There have also been many an occasion where feelings or dreams later turn out to be true or at least close.

    This is why I have an inclination to believe in ESP.

    And if ESP goes that far, why not be open to phenomena like telekinesis? It has a name and has been investigated for a reason, right?

  9. "Only the mad people or people with serious brain damage will believe in these sort of rubbish!! Unless something can be proved scientifically, one should just ignore it altogether and assume that it is a chance that can't be repeated!!" Only a complete idiot would answer like that.

    You can see indisputable proof, i think the are 80,000 or so pages from the codename 'stargate' program they can be obtained under the FOIA from the CIA. Also you can look at the paper published in the 1974 IEEE journal, on infomation transfer over kilometer distances.

  10. It is quite possible, There is one case case of where this boy was shocked by lightning and it altered the little amount of metal he had in his human body, so that it was MAGNETIC. So when ever he walked in to kitchen small metal objects would float. I haven't learned if he can control them yet, BUT i is quite POSSIBLE that a human can be taelikenetic. PLEASE DONT SHOCK YOURSELF, HE IS LUCKY TO BE ALIVE. AND HIS NOSE MELTED Sooooo.......

  11. yeah right!

    anyway, yes I do believe, and I have seen proof, many many times throughtout my life, but the most time it happens is with my husband.

  12. Some degree of psi (E.S.P. or whatever you want to call it) has been scientifically demonstrated, but the experiments have been conducted without enough scientific rigor to silence skeptics.

    The scientifically best-demonstrated psychic phenomenon is telepathy using a technique called the ganzfeld procedure. Ganzfeld is a German word meaning "total field." In these experiments, the subjects are exposed to environments designed to tune out their ordinary senses and improve the chances of them noticing their "psychic" sense. The typcial procedure has subjects wearing goggles like ping-pong balls cut in half, creating a totally uniform white field of vision. They also wear earphones that generate white noise. Researchers then have the subjects relax in a room. In a completely separate room, another person is asked to stare at one of four randomly chosen pictures or designs and think about that picture for a period of time, maybe half an hour. At the end of that time, researchers ask the person who had been in the ganzfeld to identify which of the four possible pictures the other person had been looking at. In a meta-analysis (a study that combines the results of many previous studies) of about 20 ganzfeld studies, the overall result was that subjects picked the right picture about one time out of three. Random chance predicts that they would get it right one time out of four. Some studies did a great job at controlling possibly interfering variables, others didn't.

    Some researchers still dismiss these findings, citing an overall low quality of scientific methodology. But personally I have seen enough solid data to feel that research has demonstrated the phenomenon of telepathy - the transfer of information from one mind to another without any apparent means of transmission.

  13. please search on youtube about a lady named Nina kulagina.

    She was a telekinetic and she had shown her abilities in front of scientists and in lab. These are not some abilities which are inborn anyone can develop them with serious practice. These come under psionics. And those people who think that it is all rubbish then i must tell you that both soviet union and USA did research in this field during cold war time with success though they were not able to explain the nature and cause of these. Search the net for stories and i am sure you will find plenty. Though some might be fake many are real . And those who think science does not explain it then please tell me what is science that does not accept new ideas and test them. Rhine research institute is working in this respect you may find some useful info there.

  14. It is nothing Earth shaking but people can feel others watching them.  What is that?

  15. I believe in it.

    ESP is when somebody sees or feels something is going to happen, and it happens.

    My grandma kind of saw my grandpa's death two weeks before it happened. I say 'kind of' because it didn't happen exactly the way she saw it, but it happened.

       My grandma used to dream that my grandpa was shot in the side as he ran. He was shot in the side, like my grandma predicted. It was a strange thing.

    Also, my grandma once dreamed that she stood in the middle of a beach covered in rocks and shells and other beautiful things just about years before it happened.

    I used to be able to predict earthquakes. I used to say, "An earthquake is coming," and seconds later, there was an earthquake.

    I really do believe in ESP and telekinesis because there is proof like the examples I gave you and many more. It's just something strange. Tests have been done with people who have experienced ESP and telekinesis before, and most of the cases that have not been faked turned out to be real.

    Here's your proof.

  16. I knew you would ask that

  17. "Do I believe in ESP" - what does that really matter? Even if I did (oo don't) it would not convince you either way, would it? I certainly hope people's convictions are based on something more solid than an internet survey.

    Have I seen indisputable proof? Yes - are you convinced not that TK is real? If I say No does that convince you it's not?

    If you are really interested, I encourage you to use your mind and search for solid documentation. Be skeptical of anything you read on the web (including this posting), but confirm it by writing to the poster and/ro finding hardopy evidence. Then confirm that by several different sources.

    I would love to believe that ESP and TK are possible - I am a physicist but will not rule out anything.... I will answer your poll and say that I have not yet seen what I think is indisuptable proof...yet.

    Good luck in your search - sometimes the journey is a greater treasure than the destination.

  18. Only the mad people or people with serious brain damage will believe in these sort of rubbish!!  Unless something can be proved scientifically, one should just ignore it altogether and assume that it is a chance that can't be repeated!!

  19. Actually, when I fall behind on my deliveries, I use telekinesis to handle some of the overload.  I find it useful for maiknig deliveries in war zones, as well.  Santa C.

  20. No, they do not exist.  No, no one has has seen proof.  They are things con artists use to make money off the weak minded.

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