
Do you believe in Ghosts, Spirits, Demons etc. ?

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and anything else that can be haunting people?

Angels, Aliens, Gods, the Devil etc..




  1. I believe what many refer to as Ghosts, Spirits, or demons are all manifestations of the same phenomena.  Namely the energies of the body lingering on this plane after death.

  2. l believe in ghosts and angels

  3. I do, to a certain degree.  I believe that God placed a 'veil' sort of thing between our world(?) and the next one,  so that spirits couldn't cross back over.  I believe the devil exists, but I don't believe in him, if that makes sense.

    I also believe that aliens exist, but not the way Hollywood tends to picture them.  I don't know what they look like, but the little green men with gigantic heads look way out of balance.  They look like they'd fall over every time they'd turn their head.

  4. I believe in all of the above i think in the bible doesn't it say the devil and his followers was condemned to h**l hence demons, as far as aliens they do exist i live with one everyday *my cat*!!

  5. yes to all of them.. but what do you believe?

  6. Yes to ghosts and spirits. No to demons. We have our own inner demons, but I don't believe there are ones like on Buffy or Charmed. I believe in guardian angels AKA our conscience. Gods yes, devil... big no.

  7. yes to all of the above

  8. I believe in Spirts/ghosts. I believe in demons to a certain degree. I believe in angels and God, but not Gods. I know aliens exist, and I believe in the Devil.

    I do NOT believe in mermaids.

  9. I believe in ghosts and spirits.  whether you call spirits angels, or demons, is based on your religion. I believe some spirits can be negative, angry, evil or malicious, but I also believe that to give evil a name is to give it power, so I stay away from the term "demons" or names like "Lucifer" and "Satan" as much as possible.

    As for aliens - yes, I believe they exist. How can they not? the universe is huge, with billions and trillions of other galaxies. It is almost impossible to think we are the only life.

    As for The Devil - again, I do not give evil a name. I also do not believe that there is a single powerful evil force trying to trick us into doing evil. I think our pension for doing evil is in ourselves, and only we are to blame for the bad we do, not some snickering fiend with red skin and a spiked tail, rubbing his claws together and salivating over our tormented souls - no, evil is a man-made creation. As is good.

  10. i believe in god

  11. I've only heard ghosts and sensed them as well as demons or evil spirits.  One ghost said "Fu*# You" to me once.  Other times they've woken me up in the middle of the night or early in the morning.  I'd be like half asleep and I'd hear them either singing or trying to talk to me lol sometimes it was annoying.  One time they turned our electric frypan on and it started making this crackling sound when me and my mate went to have a look, there was nothing in the pan and it wasn't even plugged in.  Yeah our house was haunted.  It used to be and old as church like in the 1900's.  We just got use to it.  I have had visions about evil spirits or dead people trying to talk to me.  Sometimes it's scary.  My dead cousin visited me in a dream.  Basically he was saying that he couldn't move on because his family was still heartbroken over his death.  I then discovered that when you lose a loved one and you can't let go of losing them you keep them earthbound and it pisses them off.  And in answer to God and the Devil, yes I believe in their existence.

  12. i belive in ghosts

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