
Do you believe in Ghosts? I never did, but I do now!?

by  |  earlier

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I am a Christian, never believed in ghosts at all. I am approaching 40, been around a while.

Well, I work in an older building and I was the only one there, no A/C on. It's summer - it's warm in the building without A/C - temp in the high 70's in there. I walked through a doorway and instantly, it felt like I was walking through a sheet of air that was 30 degrees. NOT POSSIBLE. I also instantly felt a threatening presence. There was NO place air that cold was coming from. Not possible. To make things worse - things are put away and then found out of place the next day. It's seriously creepy. I don't think this one is friendly. All started when building was being remodeled.




  1. okay I know what's happening. When someone remodles a home or builds on a ground that is haunted the the "ghost/s) can become stronger. It is because of 1) the desturbance of their haunting area. 2) Because there are more people around. This is because ghosts feed on our life force/energy.

    It's very normal that a space with a ghost will become cold because the entity is draining all that energy/heat to strenghten themselves.

    There isn't much you can do besides call an exersist or try to do it yourself. You will need a sage stick and a few white candles. You want to try and stand your presence. Say that you are going to live here now and would welcome anyone of good intent to rest themselves in this space. Than read psalm ?? 23. Sorry I don't know for sure. It's G*D will set a table with my enemies . . . ashes to ashes and dust to dust. . .  Go all over the house with the sage stick and say the psalm and your intent " I will be living here , you will welcome anyone of good intent and positve forces. All evil and nutural forces are banned from this home, hearth, earth and residences!"

    Good luck and happy building!

    I was thinking, do you know who T.A.P.S. is? The are ghost hunters and debunkers. They do this type of work for free. THey would go into your building. Bring lots of high tech stuff to detect what you've felt and set up camaras and microphones. YOu should go to their sight under scifi chanel and see if you can get them. They are really great at what they do!!

    But if you want to try and get the entity out than you can try what I wrote. It's helped me before.

  2. i go ghost hunting and take pics all the time.  its great and we see lots of stuff.  i have hundreds of pics.  orbs and ectoplasm.

  3. Yes. I too am of the Christian persuasion and I have had experiences such as the one you described.

  4. Nope.  Ghosts aren't real.  You probably just got a chill.  It's like a hot flash, but cold.  Maybe you needed to pee.

  5. Yes I believe, there is this old hotel in the town where I live, and they have a small brewery in the back, we were there having a couple beers when the bartender started telling us of all the hauntings there, once the front desk clerk was alone in the hotel because it was a slow season and she could hear old fashion music playing from somewhere in the hotel, another was the painters on the second floor said the little girl chasing the cat should not be running up and down the halls while they were painting, there was no children in the hotel, or anyone for that matter. Booze bottles in the bar would be laying on there side in the morning so they set up a camera and they would just fall over by them selves.

  6. Apparently that property belongs to a demonic spirit. Sometimes when a person participates in the occult on that property a demon feels in essence that that property belongs to him. I suggest that you ask a pastor who is well experienced with things of this nature to give you some sound advice. In the meanwhile pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Next pray and ask Jesus Christ exactly what has happened previously on the property and what to do about it. (you can also research the background on this property yourself). I highly suggest that you leave this property immediately however because this demon is very angry because you are messing with his property.

  7. yes..i do believe in ghosts cause i had some personal experience in the house i live in with my parents. one night i heard heavy foot steps going up the garage stairs and i was in the kitchen and it stopped right at the top. another time i heard the foot steps go up the stairs but they sounded very light.  i didnt even want to open the door to see what it was. i've heard foot steps up the front porch. it happened twice in one night.

    i always feel like im being watched or followed around the house. this has been happening since i was a kid. i also have taken pics of orbs in my house and in the basement.

    sometimes i hear a dog barking in the basement cause we had a vet come out and put are dog to sleep cause he was old. oh, i also forgot to mention that i have seen orbs with my own eyes. when first saw i was kind like, 'wtf?' because it looked like a flash from a camera cause it was bright and look like a circle or sometimes it looks like a weird shaped line but there was no one else around. so i see orbs every so often.

  8. Actually, the cold draft on a warm day and feeling a presense are things that are entirely possible without the help of spirits, especially in an older building.  A junction box or some such thing could be emitting a high EMF (electromagnetic field), which continued exposure to can result in feelings of paranoia or being "watched", and can even have phsyical effects on you.

    However, things being put away and then found out of place the next day (so long as you don't have a night time cleaning service moving your stuff around), could indicate some spirit activity, and it would make sense that activitiy picked up once the building was undergoing remodel.  

    First, you should keep a log of these types of incidents and experiences. You can try clearing the spirits by smudging the building with sage (to cleanse any negative energies, which the spirits can utilize to manifest and stir things up) and kindly asking the spirits to move on.   If they stick around and get a little too out of hand, I would contact a local paranormal investigation team for help (your log comes in handy here).

    You may be able to find a team in your state under the list of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society) family members here:


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