
Do you believe in Ghosts??

by  |  earlier

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i have always been afraid of my house because i always think there is a ghost in my house. Do you believe i have anything to be afraid of?




  1. I do believe in ghosts, but most of my experiences are with the ghosts of family members, and if there is a night I am too tired or sick to deal with it I can just say (out loud) "OK guys, I love you, but leave me alone tonight".

    Even if you don't know the ghost, it may be a residual hauting, no actual intelegance, and can't hurt you.

    Most intelegent hautings, are still good spirits, just may be confused.

    Even the malicious spirits, the most they can do is make it feel like you were slapped, but they can't do much more than that, so you aren't in physical danger.

    I did live in one house where I heard the voices regularly, and they were of strangers, and it was annoying, and they kept me awake, but they couldn't physically hurt me.

    I was having health problems at the time, and my mom came to see me, and one night she told them off and after that I smelled roses, and there were no voices  until I moved out of that house.

    Even the ghosts you see evidence of moving chairs, the most they can do is move an object a couple feet, then run out of energy for a while.

    Ghosts can not cause you physical harm.

    It may be hard to live with, so maybe you should try different things to chase them out.

  2. Yes, there are GHOSTS and no... I do not belive that they can harm you.

  3. No. I don't think ghost can really hurt you. But one might be lurking around.

  4. YES! 3 days after my dad died he turned off the light in the bathroom when i was watching tv. I was really freaked out. Also when i lose stuff i always find them in the opisite directon were i lost them E.G my toy piece broke and its on the floor now it behind you. Ghosts cant hurt u.

  5. hi,there are not ghosts.

  6. BOO! XD

    No, I don't believe them =]

  7. sometimes,but if you believe in some religion~you will not so afraid

  8. yes i believe there is another being amongst us. you just have to feel them.

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