
Do you believe in Global Warming after some?

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countries experienced the coldest winter in 40 years?




  1. yes, global warming contradictory to its name means a major alter in the worlds temperature, for us it means a big heat up, but on the way to its big heat up there has to be major alteration.  There will be extreme differences in temperature.  Ice burgs melting causing water to grow more, causing this that wich makes the temperature rise and fall.

  2. no, not for that reason. weather is not climate. it is best to look at long term trends... are you cherry picking to support your prejudices?

  3. i don`t believe anymore but some are still trying to keep Global warming alive

  4. yes i believe in it, 11 days straight here of temperatures over 35 degrees celcius, something that has never happened here in this part of australia ever before.

  5. I did not believe in man made global warming before the coldest winters. It is nothing more than a political agenda. There has never been a single scientific experiment to back up the AGW claims.

  6. Global warming is absolutely a problem that is threatening life on our planet as we know it. All the weather systems are completely out of whack it seems. Some winters were incredibly harsh, while others nonexistent. The glaciers are melting and sea levels are up. Regardless of whether you believe in it or not, you should take care of the environment in which you live, because ultimately the Earth belongs to everyone and we need to do everything we can to protect it.

  7. I never believed in it to begin with. The Earth is going through the natural cycles, as it has done for millions of years.

  8. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  9. It's all politics to CONTROL THE PEOPLE!

    I can still see the sun clearly at my house.........

    Al Gore and his cronies are all full of BS.....................

  10. Sure.  Just look at the data.  This has happened before, quite recently.

    Weather factors can overcome global warming for a short time.  It happened in 1982, 1991-1992, 1999-2000.  EVERY TIME global warming came back stronger than ever.  Proof.

    discussed in detail, with confirmation, at:

    As long as we keep making greenhouse gases in enormous amounts, global warming will dominate in the long run.  It's simple physics.

  11. Captain it is not Global Warming or Global Cooling any more, the mad scientists have changed it to Global Climate change so the weather can do what it has always done, ( change ).

  12. I used to believe in that, but now I don't anymore. And maybe tomorrow I'll believe again.

  13. global warming is caused because we use fossil fuels (eg. petrol, oil and methain) this rises to the atmosphere causing it to thin out, making the ozone layer thinner, when sunlight travels through the thinned ozone layer it gets trapped causing the earth to heat, and the polar ice caps to melt, when water is heated it evaporates faster, causing extreme drought, when the clouds cant evaporate anymore, it rains, causing an extreme flood... so global warming contributes to colder weather also..

  14. Luckily the USA was not one of those countries, eh?  We got a lot of snow, as we always do in a La Nina year, but that's it.  This was the coldest year since 2001, for certain, but a very warm one (16th) when compared to the 120 or so others that we have records of with direct measurements.  NOAA just published the data.

    frflyer, I think people who circulate urban legends should be help responsible for going around and removing every single copy from every server.  Perhaps that would slow them down a little.

    click the blue link at the top of this page, or "next" in the Urban Legends link at the bottom.

  15. Of course.  One winter doesn't change anything.

  16. As anyone who knows anything about global warming knows, local or regional weather, over relatively small time periods, has nothing to do with the debate.

      "The chaotic nature of weather means that no conclusion about climate can ever be drawn from a single data point, hot or cold. The temperature of one place at one time is just weather, and says nothing about climate, much less climate change, much less global climate change."

      In fact, they only say that the worldwide average temperature is up .6C degrees or about 1*F over the last century.  It's more in some places like near the poles,  and less in some places.  It may even be cooler in some places even as the global average rises.  

    This is just another non issue dreamed up by skeptics.  They misrepresent the predictions of the climate scientists and then use that as the basis for an argument, where there is none.

    And for the rest of the arguments.

    Lets dispell a few pieces of disinformation here. dispells the myth about 17,000 scientists who are skeptics on AGW

    "Global warming is natural and is nothing new."

    "Mars is warming too" This was used as an argument by Sen Imhofe, whose list of skeptical scientists has been proven to be phoney.

    "Global Warming is a Hoax"

    "We are now in global cooling"

    "Scientists predicted global cooling in 1972 so why should we believe them now?"

    Yeah, I think that was about seven scientists. The lead scientist recanted in 1975, admitting that he had underestimated the amount of CO2. There are about 14,000 scientists working with the IPCC, some have been studying global warming for over 30 years.

    "Climate models overstate global warming concerns."

    "We are headed for a new ice age."

    "Where are all the hurricanes predicted?"

    "CO2 lags higher temperatures in previoius warmings" The Cold Truth about Global Warming by Joseph Romm

    Dispells the notion that climate scientists have been alarmist. And explains what "consensus" really means.

    "Why should the U.S. sign the Kyoto protocall when China and India haven't?"

    "Position statements hide scientific debate."

    "We are recovering from the Little Ice Age"

    "Global Warming stopped in 1998"

    I haven't covered them all here, but the scientists have, as can be seen at all these websites.

  17. No. But then again I never did. It has snowed more in the last 2 years here than it had in the previous 20. Global warming is false. Plain and simple. Maybe the planet is changing, but to call it "Global Warming" exclusively is just wrong.

  18. Here in Texas it is said only a fool or newcomer would predict the weather.

  19. We get periodic very cold winters I don't really see how one cold winter effects global warming as a theory. Large dumps of snow on sea ice will protect it a little longer from melting but as it warms in spring it will increase the melt as the snow turns to water. Even If you ignore global warming it's effect so far is, what! 0.7c, what difference would that make, how would it change a -15 or -20 temp, it wouldn't, -14.3 or -19.3 would still give you the cold winter we had.

    GLOBAL means the whole thing, the Southern hemisphere had heat waves through their summer, Parts of Southern Australia are still getting 100F temps in March which are 10 and 20 year records.

  20. Yes, I have always believed in GW. The earth has been warming and cooling over and over again for hundreds of thousands of years.

  21. No.  The climate of the Earth is always changing.  Get used to it. (Gore thinks he's WAAAY smarter than he actually is)

    Didn't we think that the earth was cooling in the 1970s?


    VV      Like one summer changes everything?   VV

  22. Absolutely. Global warming will not make everyone warmer, it throws the entire climate system out of wack. However, note that one abnormally cold winter does not reveal a trend towards cold winters. If the winters were getting progressively colder, then the last 40 winters would have set new records too. Instead we have seen an increase in desertification, and a loss of polar sea ice.

  23. I believe in Global warming.  It is a proven fact that carbon-dioxide holds more heat for a longer period of time than oxygen, therefore more carbon-dioxide equals more overall heat.  I also believe that the Earths axis are rotating away from the 27.5 degrees the they were/are at.  While I cannot prove it because I am not a rocket scientist, I have good evidence.  I think this is caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun being on opposite sides of the earth.  If you take a ball tied to string and swing it  you experience a pull on it.  Imagine that you are the Earth and that the ball is the moon.  If the Earth is on an axis with gravity pulling in both directions it could cause the Earth's axis to rotate changing the 27.5 degree mark we were at.

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