
Do you believe in Global Warming ??

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Why or why not?




  1. What's to believe? It is happening all around you and all over the world. Just use your eyes and your ears. There is news coming in from everywhere of sudden and unusual changes, of melting Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, receding Alpine and Himalayan glaciers, expanding deserts, drying and dying rainforest, and warming seas. What more do you need?

  2. No, I can't be 2 religions at once.

  3. of course!!

    the gasses from cars and factories are making a hole in the ozone layer!!

    and if the arctic raises 7 more degress it will cause a massive flood and flood the world..

  4. Global warming is not a religion.  It's like asking, 'Do you believe that grass grows?'

    It's definitely real and there is proof of it happening in cycles over thousands of years.  I'm guessing the people who 'dont believe in global warming', also don't believe in evolution, etc...

  5. yes, but i hear also that we are going into a global cooldown,


    wow, people on here dont like to hear the truth.... trolls... all of you... trolls!

  6. No. Al gore got all pepped up on sugar and decided to do something that sounded smart.

    yes, the world is getting warmer but that naturally happens.

    it's a natural cycle.

    cow's gas expulsions do nothing.

    But yes, manbearpig is real.

  7. Global warming? Yes.

    To the degree that man is causing it? NO!

    The earth has warmed and cooled since the beginning of time. There's way too much geological evidence pointing to it.

    I'm all for being good stewards of the planet as it is just the right thing to do. But Al Gore and his minions can go suk it as far as I'm concerned.

  8. I believe the scientists who say Climate Change is real.

    But I am a little hesitant to try to blame a particular warm Summer, or active Hurricane season, or whatever on Climate Change. It is tempting, but the proof will be in the long haul.

  9. Im Cold

  10. There are many basic scientific facts which can only be explained if the current global warming is being caused by an increased greenhouse effect due to carbon dioxide accumulating in the atmosphere from humans burning fossil fuels.

    For example, the planet is warming as much or more during the night than day.  If the warming were due to the Sun, the planet should warm a lot more during the day when the Sun has influence.  Greenhouse gases trap heat all the time, so they warm the planet regardless of time of day.  Another example is that the upper atmosphere is cooling because the greenhouse gases trap the heat in the lower atmosphere.  If warming were due to the Sun, it would be warming all layers of the atmosphere.;...

    We know it's warming, and we've measured how much:

    Scientists have a good idea how the Sun and the Earth's natural cycles and volcanoes and all those natural effects change the global climate, so they've gone back and checked to see if they could be responsible for the current global warming.  What they found is:

    Over the past 30 years, all solar effects on the global climate have been in the direction of (slight) cooling, not warming.  This is during a very rapid period of global warming.

    A recent study concluded:

    “the range of  [Northern Hemisphere]-temperature reconstructions and natural forcing histories…constrain the natural contribution to 20th century warming to be <0.2°C [less than one-third of the total warming].  Anthropogenic forcing must account for the difference between a small natural temperature signal and the observed warming in the late 20th century.”

    You can see this in the third graph here, where the dotted lines are just from natural causes, and the full lines are natural + human causes:

    If that’s not enough to convince you the Sun isn’t responsible, consider the fact that no scientific study has ever attributed more than one-third of the warming over the past 30 years to the Sun, and most attribute just 0-10% to the Sun.;...

    So the Sun certainly isn't a large factor in the current warming.  They've also looked at natural cycles, and found that we should be in the middle of a cooling period right now.

    "An often-cited 1980 study by Imbrie and Imbrie determined that 'Ignoring anthropogenic and other possible sources of variation acting at frequencies higher than one cycle per 19,000 years, this model predicts that the long-term cooling trend which began some 6,000 years ago will continue for the next 23,000 years.'"

    So it's definitely not the Earth's natural cycles.  They looked at volcanoes, and found that

    a) volcanoes cause more global cooling than warming, because the particles they emit block sunlight

    b) humans emit over 150 times more CO2 than volcanoes annually

    So it's certainly not due to volcanoes.  Then they looked at human greenhouse gas emissions.  We know how much atmospheric CO2 concentrations have increased over the past 50 years:

    And we know from isotope ratios that this increase is due entirely to human emissions from burning fossil fuels.  We know how much of a greenhouse effect these gases like carbon dioxide have, and the increase we've seen is enough to have caused almost all of the warming we've seen over the past 30 years (about 80-90%).  You can see a model of the various factors over the past century here:

    This is enough evidence to convince almost all climate scientists that humans are the primary cause of the current global warming.

  11. ummm, I am not sure.  It seems fishy to me that according to the media Global Warming (man made) is a proven fact. But in the world of science if doesn't make sense that scientists would quit the scientific method (doubt, experimentation, and results) so quickly.  If you look, you can find scientists that say that the impact of man on the global temperature is nominal if any.  The scientific society has only within the last 25 years or so been able to accurately measure world wide temperatures.  While we have reliable temperature data from multiple sites around the world for the last 100+ years, the data is comprised by urban heat bubbles (concrete cities are hotter than unpaved rural areas).  The satellite data does not show a direct relationship between CO2 and heat increases, in fact the data seems to support theory that temp. increases cause a rise in CO2 ( which has viable reason to believe).  Also the models used to estimate the amount of greenhouse gases added by humans to the atmosphere also are flawed.  Scientists look at the make up of the atmosphere and try to figure out which parts are human caused and which are natural.  The problem is there is no way to calculate the amount of greenhouse gass that are naturally produced.  In fact just recently, estimates of man made methane creation were turned on their head.  Methane is 24 times as effective as a greenhouse gase(thats bad) and recently has been targeted as a problematic greenhouse gas.  New research shows that healthy plant growth accounts for an amount of methane that  is 1000s of times higher than what scientists thought was produced on the planet.  This means that the natural break down process for methane is far more effective than anybody could have imagined.  As far as glaciers melting and receding this argument does not convince me of anything.  If I take an ice cube out of the freezer and place it on a saucer it will melt.  It will continue to melt at room temperature even if I don't turn up the thermostat.  Glaciers have been melting for over 10,000 years, why would we assume that the glaciers that are receding today have not been receding for the last 10,000 years?  I think that we as a global society need to be frugal with our natural resources.  I believe that cars should be made more efficient, we should have solar panels on our houses, we should use tidal power generators, and other renewable resources that do not harm the environment.  I am however against Hydroelectric dams that interfere with fish populations, wind generators that destroy raptor (birds of prey) populations, I think in the US we should move toward a better system of rail travel.  For Example in the state of Texas, high speed rail lines linking Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio would drastically cut the number of flights by planes (very inefficient)  I am sure the same is true for the rest of the country.  I consider myself a true environmentalist, but believe that saving the environment is reason enough to make these changes without needing a trumped up theory (man caused Global Warming) that has not yet proved it self other than by circumstantial evidence.

  12. Global Warming - Yes

    Man-made - not sure

    Naturally- not sure

    Until we can't really prove anything whether it caused by man-made or the natural cycle. There's more we need to find out. DON'T just prove this and that. It's too complicated to understand the world we living - earth

  13. Science "believes" in Global Warming, although that isn't the way its normally put.  I believe in what science believes, which includes a healthy skepticism.  I'm just that kind of person.  You probably know that over time science has been known to change it's opinion.  With Global Warming (as in "caused by people" Global Warming) that isn't likely to happen.  It's been studied for over a century now (actually closer to a century and a half), and the firmness of the conclusion has only grown stronger.  With our technology today, what was clear in 1880 is even clearer.

  14. Global warming?  Yes,  

    Caused by man?   no.

  15. Yes,

  16. Yes and humans caused it.

    EVen if it is not real, we should still not stop preventing more damage on Earth.

  17. NO!!!!!  It is all junk science, the proof?  Al Gore, like all of a sudden this man is now soooo intelligent that he knows exactly what the earth is doing.  Please, I was not born yesterday!  Al Gore is not more than an inconvenient liar and top scientists from around have come out and exposed his movie as full of lies and absurdities.  Their lives have now been threatened by exposing that this is all a hoax.  Plus, what can you believe anymore?  First they say Global warming, then we break records with our cold tempretures and snow fall, then they change it to climate change, then recently I heard them saying on the news that the average tempretures for the winter in this country has actually dropped by a degree!!!  That means that we are getting colder!!  They say that spring is coming earlier than expected, I don't know about you but we are expected to have snow this weekend and I live in Ohio!!  Then there is the report on Yahoo about the 10 surprising effects of Global Warming where it states that chipmunks and other ground dwelling creatures are now scarce in lower levels of this country.  Excuse me???  They obviously have not seen my backyard lately!!  It also said that the migration of these creatures started around 1900!!?  What the hey?  Global warming was only invented by Al Gore in the last two decades, but then again he also invented the internet.  Yeah right!?  The planet has been around for millions of years and until the last few centuries human kind started evolving enough intelligently to understand our existence here.  How can we possibly say that this isn't exactly what this earth has cycled through thousands of times before.  If you remember your history before the Ice Age, this entire planet was tropical!!  Who is to say that it has just taken this long to go back to that tropical climate after the Ice Age?  Think, read, research, this is a huge hoax by governments to regulate everything that we do as humans and it is extremely dangerous to allow them for the sake of human kind.  Keep in mind one big simple rule, anything that the government feels the need to regulate or ban is only another means of undermining your freedoms and to make money and profit and power.

  18. Its happening you can belive it or not .......Yesterday 160 mile chunk of ice broke off glacier in Antartica

  19. itz not a myth

  20. NO!!!!  I do belive that the Earth goes through climate changes.When my madre was in schoo,they were predicting half of the world would be in Glaciers!GLACIERS!!!So i dont believe.And al gore shouldnt be talking when he drives around a gas-guzzling good.  Besides,the earth was proven to once have a tropical climate where antartica is now. Global warming is a THEORY!!!fyi.

  21. Yes its happening right now

  22. It's been colder this winter than it has been the last 5.  It's almost April and it has yet to be in the 50s here in MN.  That's not normal.  If the Earth is getting so warm, why is it so friggin' cold?  I can see where people are coming from with it, but I don't think it's nearly as severe as some would have you believe.

    EDIT: I'm not saying it isn't real.  I'm saying it isn't as bad as some people say it is.

  23. i think global warming is real but i think its happening very slowly.  i'm not sure its caused by man but i think we should do what we can 2 help anyway.  things like volcanoes can put a lot of CO2 in the air but we should still conserve energy for future generations.

    Hope i helped  :)

  24. Global warming is very real and its affects are evident everywhere.  In fact the process of rising temperatures is naturall to the Earth's temperamatic cycle.  As the sun heats the Earth the vapors that arise from the water sources turn into vapors, as tey evaporate they are able to hang in the air for a certain period of time (humidity) this causes teh tempreatures to rise and thus for more vapors to be released, its a natual cycle people, read a biology book!!!!!! Just because we have a cold winter doesn't mean that global warming doesn't exist, winter is supposed to be cold, but if one looks at the average temperature throughout the year, it is easy to see that a clear rising pattern is occuring, look up meteorolly reports for your self for the past 50 years if you don't believe it, don;t just read some magazine article, do the research for your self and see what the results are.  I garantee you that if you do that, you will never wuestion whether this is real or not.  Now, whether it is caused by man or not is a whole separate issue.

  25. yes i believe in global warming

    no i do not believe it is caused by man burning fossil fuels.

    it may be helped along by the massive amount of cutting of rainforest's in the third world countries.

    it is not caused by cutting forest in the US or any country that like the US replants there forest faster then they cut them.  

    i believe it is the natural end of the ice age we are in.

  26. YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!

    just because it gets cold sometimes doesnt mean it doesnt exist! global warming means there will be extreme weather NOT extreme warmness. . . duh. . . it got up to 85 degrees in December about 7 times!!!!

  27. yes I do and we are the reason for global warming. people it's time us to be more careful and take responsibilities into our own action. it's time for us to stop being useless and stop being lazy and clean our beaches, land and road and never throw any kind of garbage waste.

  28. yes because the thing that are happening all around as because the CO2 is coming out all over us and we all need to do is here is a cool little thing you can do to help you...

    We all know global warming is coming,

    So we all need to do something,

    Our worst dreams will come true,

    So here are some tips to help you.

    Turn off the lights when you leve a room,

    Yes even a house light can cause us his doom,

    So just flip the switch,

    And you may even get rich!!

    Close all those windows and door,

    We dont want to feel the cold no more,

    You will save money of heating,

    Also fix the furnace when its leaking.

    Carpooling not that hard,

    hang with your friends and even play cards,

    keep tiers full of air,

    change the oil when you fully aware.

    Don`t tack those foam paper cups,

    tack you own it`s more deluxe,

    Don`t tack the reseat,

    To help the trees with there defeat.

    Don`t be lazy walk a little,

    Don`t take that car of metal,

    all it does is pollute the air,

    Now how can that be far?

    Reycale all that you can,

    Bye that reycale fan,

    You must not put no thing to waist,

    or its a horrible h**r we face.

    So give these things a try,

    If everyone will help global warming will be on thing but a fly,

    If we try we can do this,

    the Earth is counting on this ,

  29. Yes.. I believe in Global Warming....

    Seasons in many countries have changed suddenly.. an it is not normal....

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