
Do you believe in God? Or do you believe in Science?

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I'm curious of peoples validation in their beliefs. I'm not saying there's a right or wrong answer, I'm just asking what feelings/thoughts you have that manifest in the form of your belief. Please don't comment on my symbol groundings, thats not the question here ;) Thank-You!!




  1. I believe that most people need a "god" to justify their actions and to blame when they are dealt a bad hand or make mistakes. I take responsibility for my own actions and do the best I can with what I have. So I guess you could say I believe in human ingenuity, whether it be used for good or ill.

  2. Interesting question!

    I believe in God because there must be creator for everything. God is the Creator. God is the grand designer of the universe and life. The universe was brought into existence by an Infinite Intelligence. The Universe's intricate laws manifest what scientists have called the Mind of God. I believe that life and reproduction originate in the Divine Source named "God".

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  3. Believing for me needs consistency. Neither the concept of God as propounded by various religions, nor the theories of science as currently propounded, give me enough sense of consistency to believe. I therefore do not believe........ but then believing is unavoidable in order to carry on with life. I thus end up believing everything as and when necessary, without any steadfast conviction. In other words, I am very inconsistent with my beliefs..... sometimes I tend to believe in a Supreme Power called God and sometimes not and similarly, sometimes I believe in science and sometimes not. I am finding it impossible to be consistent either way. At the end of it all, intrigue is all that seems to be the remainder.

  4. I believe that God sent himself in the form of a human down to earth to make sure I could go to heaven and hang out with him when I die. I also believe that when God says he sent his Son down to save us that it's not truly his son, but him. He just says it's his son because that's the only way are tinsy human minds can comprehend the awesomeness of God.

  5. Science is not something to believe in, it's something you either accept or reject. It requires no faith. Asking if someone believes in science is like asking if they believe in makes no sense. I accept science.

    No I do not believe in god.

  6. You make Science sound like a legendary being! lol

    Im Agnostic (without faith) and do not believe that there is a God(s) or that there is not a God(s).  It takes as much faith to believe IN a God as it does to believe there IS NO God.

    I don't know for sure and neither does anyone else on the face of the Earth. There is a difference between knowing with facts and believing with faith and i live by being rational with facts. As of now there is no solid evidence giving any religous group confirmation in their beliefs.

    Could there be nothing else besides humans? Of Course!

    Could there be a Higher Power(s) controlling the Universe? Of Course!

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and im VERY open to the possibilities and theories of life and existence.

    You should live by whatever makes you happier with yourself and gives you inner peace. Works for me!

  7. God for sure, and his son the J-man, science, ppppsssstttttt, yea right. Darwins theory was already been proved incorrect. God and his word is the less believable, and yet make the most sense.  

  8. Have you seen Nacho Libre!!! "I believe in science!!!"

    But that's just from a movie. My real answer is god.

  9. Neither. I believe only in what my senses reveal to me right now.

    BELIVE= Be there for me. Who needs that?

  10. I believe in God and I believe Jesus is his son, our savior.

  11. Science is only a very little window through which we can see God's revelation.

  12. I am an atheist, and i do not "believe" in science. There is no need to "believe" in science, or the laws of the universe that scientists discover. As long as the theorems of science are logically sound, contain no fallacies, they simply are. It must be said that scientists can and have been wrong, they are not infallible, but it is because their work was not logically sound.

    People who believe in god often say that atheists need as much faith as believers, since they cannot prove his non existence. I cannot prove his non existence just as they cannot prove the non existence of undetectable goblins in our higher atmosphere. You cannot prove a negative.

    Since there can be no theorems to prove a god, because most all gods are defined as unknowable, i will never believe.

    Existence Exists-Ayn Rand

  13. I believe the question of gods existence would best be explored by the application  of science and philosophy.

  14. yes, i do believe in science)))

    but i also believe that someone/something out there is watching over us...

    theres ONE "god" out there...i dont think that there is jesus, then theres allah, then theres buddha.. i think these are just the different ways people saw that one "person", described it and remembered it.. the many faces

  15. I believe in God, and I believe that God made us with the intelligence to learn, to question, to doubt and to explore the world and the cosmos we live in. So, I also believe in the value of science.

  16. Science because it's real and isn't made up by people trying to find answers with no proof to back it up 2,000 years ago.

  17. I believe in the Logos.

    The eternal unchanging logic that governs the universe & created man.

    The Atheists call it 'Natural Law' or 'Natural Selection'.

    The Christians call it God. (John 1:1)

    Atheists say the Logos lacks intelligence. I find that hard to believe.

    Believers say the Logos does all sorts of things I find equally hard to believe.

    Science is the study of the Logos. So is life as far as I can tell.

    Science has discovered many cool things, but it's NOT infallible.

    So I don't take what Science says as Gospel.

    Which is fair, since I don't take Gospel as Gospel either.

  18. I believe in God. Science is what man uses to discover what God has made and how it works.

  19. in both.....why not?

  20. I believe in God and I know that there's God there. I don't believe in Science, it just kills me. I mean, people were still searching what they want to that they don't search what is the truth.

  21. neither - it's philosophy for me becasue I believe Good is more imprtant thatn faith or truth

    Science and "God" take a definite backseat to philosophy when it comes to what makes me a better person.

  22. Science.  Life is so complex that it is taking a while for scientists to unravel it all though.

  23. Its not necessarily an either / or, but I believe in Science.

  24. Without proof. the idea of supernatural beings or omnipotent gods is hard to believe.  To me, its something our primitive barbarian ancestors came up with to explain the unknown universe around them.  And now with neuroscientists discovering the so-called 'god gene' in human brains, more specifically the limbic system, then science has proved why people believe in god.

  25. After all, science is man-made; and  man is created by God !  

    God Is Great.  

    Yes, I believe utmost in God.

  26. If believing in God means I have to stop believing in science, then no, I don't believe in that kind of God. I know what you mean by science, but I don't know what you mean by God. The reason you can't explain exactly what is god, is the identical reason why I don't disbelieve in god, either. As soon as you claim you can explain what god is, I stop believing in that god.

    I can hardly fathom people who'll sit in front of a computer and deny that science at least works in everyday practice, and that's not worship, it's a material fact. Technology is based in science and it works, it does what it claims it can. And it doesn't preclude God at all. There is nothing in TRUE religion that can contradict anything science can ever find in the world (given enough time for science to complete its discovery and understanding, because science is only a human pursuit, always flawed and never complete). Religion that takes up the material questions of science and opposes it based on doctrine, is not true religion, but some kind of petty political stance, a false religion.

  27. I think something that was made up ages ago. Maybe just to keep ppl in line or give ppl hope. It seems like God is just some fantastical character, and I would have to say when it comes down to God, I do consider myself an Agnostic.

    But at the same time I think I believe in the UNIVERSE rather than the possibility of God at all.

    I think the universe IS god. So if the universe is god, then that means ALL of us are god because WE are the universe.

    Don't u ever wonder why coincidences and stuff happen? It's cus we're connected to the world. and we're all connected to each other.

    It's not a miracle, it's not god. It's really US...and the world. The UNIVERSE.

  28. I know a lot about science and religion... but i believe in God. 100%

    Ive debated about it plenty and its not illogical

  29. Science is an artifice created upon the attempt to know (philosophy).

    But it's still more credible than religion.

  30. If someone asked you do you believe in pencils, I think you would mock them and say they were being ridiculous. I believe people who worship science are the equivalent of someone putting forth a pencil as an object of devotion. That being said, I do not find science inconsistent with religion, ANY religion. In Journalism they say to ask who what where when and how. Science can answer those questions. Religion cannot. Journalists don't usually ask why, because it is a squishy opinion laced question, better left to religion. Science cannot answer why. So why do the two come into conflict? Because many people who purport to "believe in science" are merely worshiping science and want to use it to bash religion. Scientific knowledge is never finalized, big T truth. It is always a better and better theory. Why hold a possibility up against a certitude, no matter how crazy the origins of that certitude? Tenets of faith do not usually admit to analysis, and as such they are what science would call mythologies. But just because I mythologize something to make sense of the world doesn't mean my mythology is a lie or a fable. It is just not provable. It is also not meant to explain sunspots or volcanic eruptions. Beliefs are for morality and self-identity, not tools for research.

    This is an imaginary conflict fanned to a conflagration by those who wish to banish religion because they had a bad experience with it. Religion, for most people is as necessary as food and water. So where is the conflict?

  31. I believe in God and I believe in science because He made us humans smart enough to be logical and rational that we made sense of all around us and explain it through something called science. Science and mathematics is just the "organization" and "architecture" to create everything.

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