
Do you believe in God despite you are g*y and the churches reject you?

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Do you believe in God despite you are g*y and the churches reject you?




  1. Nope, but it's not because I'm g*y is why I don't believe in God. I'm agnostic, because I believe there's no way to possibly know what lies on the "other side," if anything.

  2. People are funny. Churches are sad. g*y people can be Christians, maybe Christian is to strong of a word. Christian meaning Christ like. g**s have the ability to be saved from their "sin" as most churches would put it. Are folks in the homosexual lifestyle living the way God wants, the biblical answer is no. There are no 2 ways about it. just plain old no. There are alot of people living in sin. Why does mankind put sins in catagories? a sin is a sin is a sin. they are all bad?

  3. Who cares if your g*y.

    I'm not g*y and Catholic, and i can't stand hearing about how people disprove of g*y marriage.  Its not like they are hurting somebody. They love each other and want to be married like everybody else.

  4. nope i do not and o go to a cathlic school. its not fun qote from a teacher 'its ok for them to be g*y but THAY scant act on it!' another quot 'miss ___ some one told me g**s go to h**l  is that right?Yes it is but all thay have to do is decide to not be g*y.' ugg i whant too ****** say somthing but no one knows im g*y.

  5. not all churches reget homosexuals and Yes i believe in God with all my heart... its a struggle and i havent figured everything out but i love God and my church family has accepted me  

  6. Absolutely. I feel that I don't need religion to get me through life. Religion is complicated as it is, and all it does is confuse all of society. I can have a meaningful relationship with God without going to some church or labeling myself under a religion that bad mouths you for being different.

    I don't care what the churches think of me, and the fact that they reject me. If the people who run and attend these churches really loved God, they wouldn't reject the people God created. Who I'm attracted to and choose to love is not anyone else's concern. Little do these churches know that they are being sinful by pushing us away because of who we are, and acting as if they are so much better than us, when they're not.

    This makes you wonder if the world will really ever change.  

  7. No, I'm an atheist.

    However, that has nothing to do with me being g*y.

    Not even remotely connected to it.

  8. I'm an atheist. It has nothing to do with me being g*y. I was an atheist before I realized my true orientation. But I will say that not being religious did help me accept myself. Admitting to myself that I wasn't straight was easy.

    Back when I actually liked guys and was a christian I didn't have anything against g*y people, but I brushed off the feelings I was having because I didn't think it was right for ME to have them. For other people it was okay, but for me it wasn't.  

  9. Nope, definitely do not believe in got but thats because of the way i was raised...i've been atheist my whole life...before i was sexually attracted to guys no 1 in my family believes in god and none of them are g*y.  

  10. Yes. I just rejected his "church". God is beyond doctrine, dogma and religion in my view.

  11. I lean more towards Buddhism in this case.. :)

  12. I believe in God and I dont go to church so they didnt really reject me

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