
Do you believe in God?

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I personally think "he" is a fiction legend created by a drunken idiot. I also think that people are wasting their time and life by worrying about their afterlife. There may not even be an afterlife.

So. What do you believe in? What do you know?




  1. I slaughter lambs every other Tuesday nights when the moon is out.

  2. i totally agree with you he does not exist he is just a mythical

    wish creature in the sky.

    i hate all those like hard core christian who think christianity  

    is so big you need to kill for it those people who are christians

    and try to force you to be one. they all think they are such

    good people but some of them they can be really rude and messy ( i have

    had some bad experiences)

  3. All that God stuff is c**p people just made that up as a joke probably

  4. I don't believe in god, heaven, h**l, UFOs, astrology, the easter bunny, or any other superstitious beliefs.

  5. All I know is that I'm not the most powerful thing in this universe. My experience has shown that there is some power greater than myself helping me out in life because if life was fair, I would not be sitting here typing a response to this question...I would be dead. I have collected a lot of evidence of a higher power working in my life. I can't deny it.

    I'm not a religious person...I'm a very spiritual person. There is a major difference. I don't sit and have someone tell me what to believe...I go out and collect my own evidence and believe what is right for me and what I have found to be true. I don't try to tell anyone to believe what I do. Its a personal thing for everyone to figure out on their own.

  6. Your belief that God doesn't exist is unprovable.  Your life is therefore lived in faith in an unprovable belief; the same situation that the Christian is in.  

    Without God, time cannot be wasted because that implies that there are things we were meant to do, i.e. a purpose for our lives.  But without God, there cannot be any real purpose for our lives, just pretend purposes.

    “Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless.” –Bertrand Russell (an atheist, BTW)

  7. you sound exactly like my older brother.

    i believe :) and  i love God.

    im not good at explaining... but i just know he is real and that there is heaven. i have a pretty close relationship with him, and i just know hes there :)

    i wish you could have a relationship with him someday..

  8. No I don't believe in any god(s) I think your right.... You should live for the moment because once its gone thats it....

  9. i do. but i'm also open to other religions. i consider myself christian because a christian is someone who believes in jesus. pure and simple. i hate it when people try to force more into what it means to be a christian. anyways, nobody should be forced to believe in god. i personally pray that people will find him, but everyone has a right to their opinion. i have taken many philosophy classes and people make good arguements against him. however, i have studied the bible, and have come to the conclusion that for me, i believe it. for you, it might be something else. however, knowledge is power, so have doubts. ask questions. argue everything. maybe one day those doubts and questions will be answered. but only you can decide what you will truely believe and value.
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