
Do you believe in Jewish ethnic and/or intellectual supremacy?

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Mark.S : I find your answer is emotionally driven and seems to come from some knee-jerk "anti-semetic" indoctrination. I posed a simple question. I will not be ashamed for this.




  1. EDIT: Yeah I think its true...the Jews own most of the money in the world.  And look at whose involved in all the media production -- It's the Jews.

    But heres an IQ and the Wealth of Nations thingy on wikipedia

  2. Not at all, thats a joke.

  3. What do you mean by "believe in"?  It is either true or it isn't and belief has nothing to do with it.  And, no, it is not true; there is no group or ethnicity or religion that holds intellectual supremacy.  Jews place a great value on education and hard work; maybe that's why you are asking this.

    Oh and to the guy below me:  Jews are NOT a race.  How many times does this need to be said?  Jews are NOT a race.  There are Caucasian Jews; ******* Jews; Mongoloid Jews; white Jews, black Jews, European Jews, Asiatic Jews; African Jews, etc. etc.

  4. I'm Jewish and I find this question highly offensive.  Obviously the answer is no--what a ridiculous thing to ask.  Why would we be better than anyone else?  You should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. do you believe in German ethnic,  intellectual supremacy?

  6. there are 5 races on this planet:


    in maybe 10 years or so there will be 5 gov'ts on this planet

    genomic trait development in a race such as the human race is the most complex in the entire universe.

    The jewish modeled gov't and genomic tendency is involving all of the other 4 put together in a crazy way that eventually just totally filters out the ability for attractiveness, so I'm going to have to say a humongous NO. There are 75 different types of personalities in the human race and that's broken into 3 generations. The lower first generation is supposed to do inter-racial couples while the jewish race is the only inter-racial that is acceptable for middle generation inter-racial couples and the higher cultural generation has no real leeway for inter-racial couples. There are also different compatibility formulas for people who are either in love b/c they're opposites or half opposites or even just mildly dissimilar.. it's difficult to explain the entirety of the human evolutional dynamic and explain how all the races are similar b/c of cultural difficiencies in the way many gov'ts are run and different anti-social setups and stereotypes.

    I'll tell you this though: intellectual supremacy is something you people just made up. "intellectual supremacy" will maybe be the downfall of man as it was many centuries ago. You should notice how difficult if not impossible it is to approach a woman in the street and make a relationship based on "intellectual supremacy". Much if not all of our societal practices and standards are a pressure cooker for inevitable war-mindedness acceptance and escalation.

  7. No, why should I?  There are Jewish people who are smart and then others who would not be so smart.  It is the same in every group, ethnic, racial, gender, whatever.

  8. Of course not.  Not only aren't Jewish people distinct enough from the rest of humans to make it likely that they're more evolved, but no one group is any smarter or dumber than the rest.  Intelligence varies by individual, but not by social, ethnic, or racial group.  Besides, humans are a very... friendly species.  No group's distinct from any other, because there's always people who will mate outside the group.

  9. Every group of people believes it is superior. I think there are great people and scoundrels of every ethnicity. Being born into a particular ethnic group isn't something an individual has any control over and doesn't make that individual "superior". A person who has empathy for others and makes an effort to make the world around him/her a better place is exceptional.

  10. No not at all, in fact any races self percieved superiority complex usually tends to be the exact reason why that race goes into decline.  Any race that does not see integration and assimilation  as the best way to get along with others tends to go the way of the dinosaurs. (i.e. Aztec's, Native Americans, Persia)

  11. Nope, I'm neary 26% jewish and I can't agree with that

  12. I am the most supreme being that there is, and I am not Jewish, sorry. That does not mean that I am better than anyone though!

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