
Do you believe in Kings and Queens? Do they have slaves?

by Guest56373  |  earlier

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Do you believe in Kings and Queens? Do they have slaves?




  1. they do have maids ,cooks ,chuffers,and security gaurds, but no they dont have slave's.

  2. What century are you living in?

  3. The question is concerned with history in my opinion. Yes,according to old history of India during the King Gautam Buddha and later Lord Buddha,the kings & queens were cosidered their whole public as sons &daughters and the highly educated and wise persons were well respected by Kings & Queens. All the burdens of education Institutions(mostly in forest away from Kingdom) were borned by Kings.Also,public obeyed every order of Kings & queen as the order of Almighty God. I found in the history of Lord Budha written by Chines historians. Accordingly,I believe in Kings & queens in the good sense from the point of views human sense. On the other hand, in your second part is also true according to the recent history. Those community who ruled over another countries, made people slaves and it is a well known fact to the present generations. However, now a days or present time no body like such rulers even their own communities of such rulers. In my opinion,the present age is free from such mentioned slaves.Accordingly,the present is free from such rulers in the whole universe.

  4. no i dont...wot do they do there faces in public every now and then..wuhoo...well done.  poor things ey...look at the state of our country. wot have they done? nothing.

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