
Do you believe in Man's Evolution??

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well, it's just a kind of survey to see how much think that Evolution is true..... my question is simple... Do you think men was monkeys or any animals before???




  1. yes, man's evolution is definitely true!

    search for it and ask a scientist!  if you ask a religious person, they'll say no but they're wrong

  2. I believe in HUMAN evolution, not just man's.  

    Sorry for the PC jab, but yes, natural selection has definitely made us the species we are today and it ain't done yet...

    We and modern Apes evolved from a common ancestor.

  3. Man's, yes.

    Women? Thats still being debated!!

  4. Monkeys? You should check out some actual evolutionary biology rather than whatever popular cultural representations you've encountered.  Also, humans are animals (as another poster noted). Anyway, I do indeed believe in human evolution...

  5. Yes, we are apes and yes there are differences between monkeys: no tails, large brains, scapular mobility, dentition, etc.

    The fact of the matter is that believing in science is pointless. You can only agree with what you understand. Nobody has the qualifications here to actively renounce any aspect of evolution unless they are certified in the field. I'm not here talking about how there is no such thing as a particle-in-a-box, so all you doubters - know your place.

  6. We didnot come from apes or monkeys or bacteria, evolution is a money making proposition. Think about the millions of dollars that are going towards this teaching, if we changed it now it would destroy the economy, and I do believe a scientists salary is more than yours, think about it, there is no proof of none of it, yet on the other hand they are still finding in caves in egypt copies of the Bible, makes you think don't it.

  7. Actually, evolution doesn't really belong to "man's".

    We are certainly part of it but we can't rightfully claim it except its discovery or more properly its explanation.

    You don't have to accept it however. You may choose to ignore or even deny evolution, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history cosmology, the whole lot.

    There! Do Ya feel better?

  8. I suggest lookin' up Feral Children. Then ask what it is to be human. If people lose their ability to use their hands when raised by dogs...over time im sure their hands would evolve more doglike and so would everything else they picked up in their dog pacts (granted if they had other humans to breed with). So i beleive people at one time were more "monkey-like" but maybe not necessarily monkeys. Mamals all branched from one source (i think). Yes, evolution is fur rulz (for real).

  9. As other people already pointed out, nowhere does evolution say that man descended from monkeys. It's misinterpretations or misunderstandings about what evolution is that make people ask these types of questions. The human species has most certainly evolved to what we see today. Virtually all scientists accept the theory.

  10. It's human evolution. Not just "Man's evolution". And yes, It real for all species, not just humans.

  11. Man is an animal now. Is that so hard to accept? what did YOU think we were?

  12. i dont believe in evolution not even a little bit


    If you are going to ask question learn about the subject.

  14. Evolution does not and never has stated "men was monkeys"... Men and monkeys are both descended from a common ancestor... AND the theory of evolution is based on scientific FACTS... unlike any and ALL creation myths...

  15. It's more of a question of whether or not you believe natural evidence is a good source of knowledge.  Those who do generally agree with the theory of evolution, for every shred of natural evidence agrees with the theory.

    So yes, I "believe in" man's evolution.

  16. the blacks are the humans

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