
Do you believe in Nostradamus' work?

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what predictions has he made that came true and can you back up your statements?

perhaps with websites etc?

I'm very interested in this man.

Thank You




  1. I read Fontbrune's book, and I'm still not convinced.

  2. Some poems that people make up as "prophesies". Phony balony!

  3. I do believe in his work.  His predictions that I've seen are all in movies or on discovery channel.  

    Is it affecting me? No.

  4. The prediction that made him famous was one that has been related to the death of Henri II of France :

    Le lyon ieune le vieux surmontera,

    En champ bellique par singulier duelle,

    Dans cage d'or les yeux luy creuera,

    Deux classes vne, puis mourir, mort cruelle.

    (rough translation)

    The young lion will overcome the older

    In a field of fighting, by fair duel

    In a golden cage, its eyes will pierce

    Two classes, one, then die, a cruel death

    One (two ?) year after the publication of this prophecy, Henri II of France, in a joust, was killed by the count of Montgomery, who was younger. Both had lions as emblems. The king was hurt by a lance piercing through his eye, inside his golden helmet. He died 10 days later.

    This one is the best yet to fit any event but like every of his prophecies, it required hindsight and did not serve to predict events. Rather, events were used to interpret the prophecy. Note as well that many Nostradamus prophecies that circulates on the net are fake (especially those about 9/11 telling of two tours and a metal bird) and were completely invented.

    I however consider his works important for me because it can be seen as a precursor to science fiction which I enjoy very much.

  5. I do not believe in his work at all.

    He simply made drawings and then people thought of a way they could relate to real life.

    People just want to believe in physics and that someone did have other-worldly powers.

    And I will still be here on Dec 21 2012

  6. In truth, there is no real proof that Nostradamus could accurately predict the future, and many of the circulating "predictions" attributed to Nostradamus were not even written by him at all--

    I hope it helps.

  7. it's not that simple, some things are true others have been misinterpreted, others are simply baloney put there to mislead the translators (as he warns n his letter to his son about the dangers of mistranslating his work). I recommend reading "Nostradamus historien et prophete" (or whatever is the english title for that) by  PhD Jean Charles de Fontbrune

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