
Do you believe in Santa Clause?

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  1. never did

  2. Depends upon how you define 'santa clause.'

    If you mean a single solitary individual living for the rest of eternity at the North Pole, in an invisible house made of ice and natural materials, making toys at his factory (aided by some version of elf) year-round so that he can deliver them (at supersonic speeds) to every boy and girl on one night of the year, then no.

    However, if you instead refer to the idea/spirit of Santa Claus, one that can be passed down from adult to adult, where the spirit of the season exists, for that person, as a time to make wishes come true, dreams come alive and hope and miracles seem all the more possible by simply accepting the responsibility that comes with donning a bright red suit, a bright red cap, black calf boots, and a full set of whiskers, then my answer would be a most resounding yes.

    If Santa can only be a single individual, then that individual can die and their legacy can die with them. However, if that individual becomes a symbol, an office, a recruitment (like George Washington became the first President) then even if the individual dies, the spirit of the office continues, and future generations can benefit from the one who takes on that responsibility. A Santa Claus willing to let others take over his mythical sleigh reins is a Santa Claus worth believing in.

  3. i like to=]]]  

  4. yeah... whats not to believe?

  5. Absolutely without a doubt.  When I see the smile on a child's face opening a gift, well the warmth of happiness that comes over me has to be the arms of Santa Clause hugging me telling me it's good to be a giver to children.

  6. No, my older brother ruined it for me at a very young age.  I think it's a cute idea though, and isn't harmful.  It gives kids an incentive to behave.

  7. i used to when i younger. :o)

  8. i believe in him as much as i believe in my redeemer tooth

  9. yeah

    my dads santa clause

  10. how old are you?

  11. actually I do. I mean I know now because I'm older and been told repeatedly its my parents putting the presents under the tree but I still believe hes out there and he brings joy in spiritual ways like cheer,kindness,happiness,love,sharing, and giving.

  12. if aliens exist then it wouldnt bee too hard to believe a big guy with a beard and red clothes gives toys out to little kids

  13. no

  14. figured it was a foney when i was 4

  15. I never did even as a young child.

  16. h**l no

  17. Who else puts the present under the tree and eats the cookies? Not Mommy and Daddy!!!

  18. he was real but he died a long time ago as St. Nicolis.  He used to go around giving gift to kids and brought Happiness and all that. now parents tell their kids that so they can hav something to look forward to and act as santa. hes just another thing like hope and happiness. imagination

  19. Hahahahaah no  

  20. well of course!

    I'm chilling with santa, and bigfoot right here!

    (the easter bunny and the tooth fairy are coming later. they got stuck in traffic.)

  21. Of course!  He drops by for breakfast every now and then.  

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