
Do you believe in Soulmates?

by Guest62476  |  earlier

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Does the universe put you with this person at some time in your life? Or all relationships purely chance? Is a Soulmate the other half of the whole of you?




  1. There are six billion people in the world.  

    You are highly compatible with many of them.

  2. I don't even believe in souls.

  3. Yes, mine took 20 years to find me after we broke up in highschool.

  4. I do think there are people that enter your life for a reason.  I think there are people that seem destined to be in your life in some way.   I do not think there is one, solitary romantic destiny.   I do not think it is healthy or productive to seek completion of self from other people.  I think it is only once your own soul is content and at peace, that you are open to another.  

  5. I do not believe in soulmates. I do believe you can go throughout your life loving many different people because they each have something special to offer you.

  6. Yes, but I think there are many potential soulmates out there, not just the one.

  7. yes I do, I say this only because I found mine. before hand, I was a skeptic.

  8. I love your question. Yes, there are soul mates. We are ALL soul mates! There is only one soul and each person we perceive in this world is but a part of that one soul. So we all go together so to speak. As for chance, nope, not a chance of that either! We are all living this life in order to progress in putting this one soul back together again and everything that happens only happens in order for that purpose to be fulfilled. The part you ask about a soul mate being the other half of you, is partly true but maybe not in the way you might think.  I have a link here if you are interested, that answers your question very well. I think after you view it, you will be able to see more clearly what the soul is, how is was created, and the reason for its very existence. Hope this helped! Best wishes.

  9. No. I believe you can connect with someone that is so in tune with you and you with them that you feel like you are halves of a whole.  

  10. Every person is different, but some go together very well. If you take 10,000 clam shells and toss them in a pile, chances are the two you grab at random won't fit together very well. Occasionally, we find that one and only perfect match out of the mountain of near misses. In fact, I have found my perfect match in you my sweet. Whether some destiny or power is involved I won't pretend to know but I do know that finding such a perfect match is extremely rare and wondrous.

  11. This is an interesting myth that goes all the way back to Plato actually.

    I think finding a "soulmate" is just a fortunate (or perhaps unfortunate) co-incidence.  Sometimes these unions led to obsession and destruction.

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