
Do you believe in UFO's and extraterrestrials or have you seen any?

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Do you believe in UFO's and extraterrestrials or have you seen any?




  1. Yes, yes, and yes.

    How in the world could we be alone in this expansive universe?

  2. It's possible they exist but I don't believe in them until I see one or reputable sources confirm them.

    Hellooooo US Government?????

  3. Weird you said this, but I actually saw something really weird out in california a few weeks back, I have no idea wtf it was so i guess culdve been ufo

  4. I dont believe that something that is suppose to be of a higher intelligence would fly a spacecraft to earth to pick our noses and probe our buts. I do believe that if we have our own spacecraft then life on another planet would have better aircraft than ours if their civilisation started before ours and as soon as i see one im heading straight for it.

  5. Yes ~ Read my stories & many other people stories on my blog. Also, UFO videos ~ Many are on YouTube ~ Here are some interesting ones.

    I hope that I was helpful.


  7. one time my brother and i were watching the sky through our window because there was supposed to be a comet in the sky. well we saw this nickel size (from our perspective) blue circle going across the sky. it looked like it was spinning and i thought it was just the comet rotating. the next day i was with my mother and she had a telescope and we looked at the comet. i told her it was coool and i already saw it, but she said well look again and i did and it was definately not what i saw the night before. i dont know too much about the sky, ive i look at it all the time on my beach and ive never seen anything like it since.

    so i believe both are real and i believe ive seen something

  8. I believe that there are those who would conspire for or against these alleged crafts. Time will tell whether or not these are real. As for any of these aliens our history is full of possible evidence if you look in the right places. One of which is the Mayans in South America. Many American Indians also have their stories depicting these as star people. For all we know this is how we came to be here. Isn't it more than a coincidence that they always seem to promise to someday return? Even the so-called Christ figure as well. I'll go with visitors for now. I remember seeing one of those flying Eggs about the size of a Van or ambulance.

  9. I am one, but I don't beleive in you.

  10. No, but I once met a guy that thought he was an extraterrestrial.

  11. Jacques Patenet a rigorous scientist, says, that to call such phenomena “unidentified flying objects” is a distorsion of the truth.The vast majority of sightings are simply luminous phenomena moving across the sky,he explains. So, if your perspective is skewed to start with by the pretence that they are objects, you’re like a cat trying to catch the spot of a torch beam—you’ll get nowhere fast.For this reason, he prefers the term “unidentified aerospace phenomena”, or UAP for short. It may sound less catchy than UFO, but it’s a lot nearer the truth. Not surprisingly, the unit he heads—GEIPAN (for Groupe d’Etude et d’Information sur les Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non identifiés)—takes its name from the equivalent French term for short. GEIPAN was created in 1977.—to research these phenomena objectively.” GEIPAN is putting every eyewitness account it has received since 1988 on line. The database will steadily retrace its footsteps back to 1954, totalling some 6,000 accounts in 3,000 reports of 1,650 sightings.Jacques Patenet guarantees that nothing has been left to protect official stories. The truth is here, not out there."Scientists have to stop thinking of UAPs as something purely paranormal. It’s a subject worthy of study like any other. At GEIPAN, we regularly record sightings with tangible facts, from bona fide witnesses, and we try to explain what happened. But when we can’t explain, we’d like to have scientists investigate further.”so the term "believe",

    sounds kinds of retrograde and with an archaism effect.

    but dont take me wrong,simply because these kind of aerial

    objects has been sighted,does not mean that et's are inside these objects,the fact or state of being possible can not be discarded


    Clyde Tombaugh was the American astronomer who discovered the planet Pluto. On August 20, 1949, he observed a UFO that appeared as a geometrically arranged group of six-to-eight rectangles of light, window-like in appearance and yellowish-green in color, which moved from northwest to southeast over Las Cruces, New Mexico.

  12. never seen any but i believe they exsist has to be more out there than just us

  13. I believe that the universe is bigger than a human mind can reasonably comprehend. I believe therefore that there can be, and are, many worlds with similar characteristics to our own.  It therefore follows that life has arisen elsewhere in the universe, other than solely on earth.

    There is a formula called the Drake Equation which returns a number of worlds that harbour intelligent life, based upon numbers you put into it. None of the numbers may be zero, as there is at least one world which fulfills the conditions (our own). Some of the variables are well established, but many are not, and open to wide dispute - even between experts.

    My belief is that we are not a statistical anomly, and life could arise elsewhere, as it did here. Some people will disagree however, as might you.

    As to whether they have visited us - I think not. There is no solid evidence to support such a hypothesis, beyond innuendo and rumour.

    A UFO is simply an object appearing to fly, which we cannot identify. I frequently see these - they are aircraft whose markings I cannot determine, destination I do not know, carrying an unknown cargo. To all intents they are unidentified, yet not of extraterrestial origin.

  14. Yes

  15. I believe.

  16. I have never seen either myself, but it makes sense to me that they exist. Afterall, it would be quite egocentric to believe that earth is the only planet with life forms out of the entire universe.

  17. they are out there, yes.

    are they here, no.

    the distances are just too mind numbingly great and the chances of encounter are just too mind numbingly slim.

    and any being with the intelligence to conquer the distance and time to reach from there to here is smart enough to leave us alone, for we would do no good thing for them or to them.

    they would just be getting into a fight and anything with any smarts at all knows that about human beings.

    good thing for us, too, because anything with that kind of smarts could wipe us out with no effort at all.

  18. The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for or contact with such civilizations.

    According to some observers, the extreme age of the universe and its vast number of stars suggest that extraterrestrial life should be common.  Discussing this proposition with colleagues over lunch in 1950, the physicist Enrico Fermi is said to have asked: "Where are they?" Fermi questioned why, if a multitude of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations exist in the Milky Way galaxy, evidence such as probes, spacecraft, or radio transmissions has not been found. The simple question "Where are they?" (alternatively, "Where is everybody?") is possibly apocryphal, but Fermi is widely credited with simplifying the problem of the probability of extraterrestrial life. Wider examination of the implications of the topic began with Michael Hart in 1975, and it is sometimes referred to as the Fermi-Hart paradox.

    There have been attempts to resolve the Fermi Paradox by locating evidence of extraterrestrial civilizations, along with proposals that such life could exist without human knowledge. Counterarguments suggest that intelligent extraterrestrial life does not exist or occurs so rarely that humans will never make contact with it.

    A great deal of effort has gone into developing scientific theories and possible models of extraterrestrial life and the Fermi paradox has become a theoretical reference point in much of this work. The problem has spawned numerous scholarly works addressing it directly, while various questions that relate to it have been addressed in fields as diverse as astronomy, biology, ecology and philosophy. The emerging field of astrobiology has brought an interdisciplinary approach to the Fermi paradox and the question of extraterrestrial life.

  19. think about this, life on earth has evolved over time and the bio-eco systems have developed relative familiarity to one another. for example, there are millions upon billions of microscoping organisms floating around in the air of an average bedroom alone, the human body has developed immune systems that protect us from nearly all of the potentially fatal diseases. BUT our immune systems along with just about every other creatures immune systems on this planet are localized to terrestrial biothreats.

    an extraterrestrial travelling to earth would have to be extremely careful to keep terrestrial biology completely seperated from any and all extraterrestrial biology they might be carrying onboard the ship, at least until they come up with a systematic and gradual introduction process.

    for them to simply hop out of a ship would result in catastrophe (i.e. mass extinction) for both us and them, our immune systems being localized to earthly diseases and visa-versa.

    if they are really flying around up there, this would give them a good reason to not want to be found out about and get shot down and have their doors pryed open before they can adapt their own immune systems.

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