
Do you believe in UFOs and/or aliens?

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Do you believe in UFOs and/or aliens?




  1. Yeah, I do, as we can't be the only people or living things (apart from micro-organisims and such)

    in this huge universe.

  2. I do believed in other life form existing in other planets but they haven't visited us yet.

    According to rare earth hypothesis.

    Suggested Facts: Aged stars such as red giant or white dwarf are very unlikely to support life. - As stars will become hotter as it age. Our sun are young. However as our sun ages after million or billion of years earth might not be able to sustain life as it will be too hot but planets further away which previously too cold to sustain life could become habitable.

    Now according to "experts" 5% of the conservative estimated 200-300 billion stars are in the so call galactic habitable zone. (in our milky way galaxy) - that is about 15 billion stars that could sustain life (like us) provided:

    1) The orbiting planets need to be within the habitable zone of the star so that the water on the planet is in liquid state

    2) The planet cannot be too small or it would not hold the atmosphere that is needed for life.

    3) The solar system should also have a mixture of planets. Where the outer planets act as a protection shield for the inner planets from asteroid impact so life could continue evolved. Our Moon played a critical role too.

    Imagine human tends to think that the earth was once flat and they might fall off the edge if they keep on traveling towards the end. Ancient Human on an Island used to think they are alone in the world until Ship set sail to discover new lands across the world.

    the answer is yes there are life form exists somewhere in the galaxy or universe but at our present technology we are not able to do that just yet.

    If the world are willingly to put off the petty differences and come together with a true international Space program (gathering all resources under 1 program).

    We might be able to explore further out into the space by now. Could even have a moon base by now and we are not just taking samples on mars but sending people to mars now.

    however because of human are very self-centered species. It will still be a long way to go before this could actually happen.

    Maybe it will only happen when we are truly in contact by an new intelligent species. However as many people say "the kind will never come knocking on your door where the evil are the ones who will always come knocking on your door"

    Next is the question what if there are alternative life forms that could live without water and oxygen ? Because life is only based on what we know on earth. However we have to wait until researcher found out the new species of life form.

    There are still a lot to learn, a lot to discover and a lot to improve. I just wished that human will stop wasting resource on reinventing the wheels and pointing fingers one another.

    Peace - Do what you preach. but how many people in this world can really do that?

  3. Think more along the lines of extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in them, they have something special in store for you. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    "Aliens" just in time for 2012!

    Later, ask yourself how we knew ahead of time...

  4. there is more life than us in the universe

  5. No, I do not believe in UFOs or aliens, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Right?

  6. I certainly think they are possible but I have yet to see anything I would accept as proof they have visited our planet.

    If there are extraterrestrial aliens that have visited our planet they are a long ways from home and distances alone suggest to me such visits are unlikely.  But I am willing to listen to and look at evidence to the contrary.

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