
Do you believe in UFOs?

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or do you think we are the only intelligent life form in the vast universe? My thinking as an intelligent person I feel sure we are not the most advanced life form in existence since there are still untold areas of the universe never yet explored. I think we have been visited and are currently being visited and observed and I think we will be made aware of it in the very near future.




  1. I've seen several flying things i couldn't identify.  None of them suggested that being from somewhere else than Earth made them.

    The definitive answer about UFOs can be found in Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World, available in your local library. It's a must read.  But for the impatient, the main argument is this: Millions of people have reported alien or UFO sightings, but there is no credible scientific evidence.  So either we have mass hypnosis, or aliens are visiting us.  Both claims are extraordinary!  Dr. Sagan lays out the evidence and the logic to prove that we have mass hypnosis.

    There's plenty of room for other life in this galaxy as well.  There may be microbial life on Mars.  It's unlikely that there are flatulent Martians eating asparagus.

    We're filling in some of the unknowns in the Drake Equation. Estimates of intelligent life range in our galaxy range from 1 (just us) to millions of planets with smart aliens.

    The elements needed for life include hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon.  These are common.   Water is also common.

    So, no.  It seems very unlikely that we are the only life forms, or intelligent life forms in the Universe.

    In summary.  UFOs: no.  Extraterrestrial Intelligence somewhere else: yes - except that we have no firm evidence as yet.

  2. No, never.


  3. I think it is very likely we are not the only intelligent creatures in the universe. But we are most definitely NOT currently being visited and observed. If intelligent aliens exist they are all far away in space and probably not even aware of us just like we are not aware of them.

    UFOs are just Unidentified Flying Objects and not alien space ships. Not one single UFO sighting has ever peen proved to be an alien space ship. Not even one. A few have never been explained, like the one I saw, but that is no proof they are alien space ships.

  4. I am glad that you have proposed an intelligent form of life in the universe because it gives me hope that one day I will have the opportunity for worthwhile conversation...

  5. There is no proof that life exists anywhere else in the universe. The universe is so vast that life probably exists in many places, but no one can say anything definite about its intelligence levels. There is no logical way that creatures from other planets could visit Earth. Study astronomy and Einstein's theory of relativity more to see why. I bet you that we will not be made aware of any such thing in the near or the far future.

  6. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

  7. i agree.  this world is too big......there's gotta be something/someone out there somewhere

  8. The best resource is (English Discussion Board)  Navigate the headings and/or use the excellent search engine to go through the extensive archives.

    In particular look up about the Questions to Answers to Billy Meier (on this site or elsewhere) in which the genuine UFO contactees are confirmed or denied.

    There is a DVD out called "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which presents an excellent summary / presentation about the Billy Meier contactee case.  The information is at different sites, etc but it is all nicely presented on the DVD - particularly the proof/evidence for this specific case.

    I have researched into Billy Meier for the past 5 years, downloading everything I can about this case... and it is worthwhile looking into.

    Note - UFOs are either terrestrial or extraterrestrial.  The UFO question has lots more implications to it, than most people realise - and it will hugely impact upon our civilisation and knowledge, if the information is available for public digestion, instead of it being kept secret all the time.

  9. It would be inconceivable to think that we are the only life-forms in the whole universe. So, YES!  I believe that there is something out there.  I think that there is possibly a cover-up job regarding "UFO"s....but that's another story.

  10. 'Belief' has little to do with 'science'.  If it's a question of belief, it belongs in the theology forum.

    As far as you comments, I generally agree with them.


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