
Do you believe in a god?

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and only one god?

and why?




  1. I'm daoist so I believe there is a supreme being whether it be a person, spirit or force of some type.

  2. The proper question to ask ones self is

    "should I believe in god?"

  3. I belive in god because it is rediculous to think we evolved from monkeys and the world blew up into this thing were all the animals and plant life just appeared.  

  4. No i don't believe in God or the bible. I think the bible was written by men who wanted to scare the h**l out of everyone. And it worked. I do believe in a supreme being and the laws of karma. What you do onto others will always come back to you. So i live my life in a way that i may be rewarded or a least have a better life in the next world.

  5. Yes. I believe in one god, no more.

    Why? Because I've read the Bible and it makes more sense than anything else I've ever read. To this day I haven't been able to find an inconsistency in it. I haven't had a life experience it didn't tell me how to deal with rightly, a doubt it didn't have reassurance for, or a difficulty it didn't make more bearable.

    While I've read the Koran, Dhammapada, Book of Mormon, and a couple other excerpts from other religious texts, nothing comes close to the Bible. Not even scientists. :-D

  6. I do not, but I hope that I am wrong and that he exists. Why do I hope I'm wrong? Because with a God then maybe just maybe, heaven exists.

  7. Yes. I am a Christian so I believe in Jesus Chirst. I think it's crazy how some people think that we evolved from monkeys and that the world was created by a big bang. I believe in only one God and my whole family does too.  

  8. Yes. I was raised that way but I am finally starting to believe in God by choice not just because that is what I was told.

  9. I believe in the Christian God! Reffered to as God. He created us and everything we see. Except for man made products. He created the Heveans and the Earth. And one day he'll send his Holy Son to take all of the christians and that them to heaven. That is called the Rapture! I AM READY!!!

  10. YES! =)

    And your supposed to capitalize the G in God!

  11. I don't really, I believe there might be a higher power though, and if they exist, then they're probably inconceivable to human beings.

  12. not neccessarily i beleave we have no way of knowing what happens when we die and no way of  knowing if there is or isnt a god

    i think we should quit acting like we know everything and just live the best life we can and hope

  13. i dont really should be good to believe in some one called"god"who is the best one,loves you,cares about you,and...but i dont really know that i believe in god or not!becouse beisde every thing he hasnt done any thing special that prove he exists yet...but anyway this is just my opinion.nothing my life god just apears when ther is a probleme and i need a soulder to cry on.but...i wish you find out what i was going to mention.

  14. i believe in a higher being,

    maybe he is not a man in a white robe sitting on a throne and all,

    but i believe something is up there.

  15. I agree with RexBlitz statement. I am also a Christian.

    I am also a scientist by profession, so I do know of all the arguments on both sides. It is pretty interesting question for those who are on a place on their spiritual path where they have not yet resolved this matter entirely. You just have to look at the intricacy of biology and the probability that all of this would just come together in such perfect balance to know there is definately a God who designed this world. It is too great and mysterious, even for the theologians and scientists exploring it, for man to completely comprehend it all. After all, where did all of your acute awareness come from if not from God? Why do we cry if we do not feel? What function could it serve if not for love.

  16. Yes I do, I believe it's me, you and everything!  So who created the universe?  WE DID!!!

  17. yup

    cause mum said tht if u believe in budhha ur cool and im a nerd and will do nething to be cool

  18. i believe there is a supreme being, because i have faith

  19. Yes. There has to be a power far greater then ours, I mean, we couldn't of just come out of nowhere.  

  20. Not one god in that sense, but I believe that there is a divine power at one with nature and everyone else, and that there is a balance between everything and everyone. I don't know why; it just makes more sense to me.

  21. Yeah.

    I mean, there has to be some higher power i think.

    I hope and have faith that it's god.

    And why? Because thats the way i was raised. Thats the main reason anyone does anything i think. Even if they dont admit it.

  22. I believe there is a God, because I can't imagine how else we came about.  I mean, think outside of time. Where did we begin, and where did matter come from?

    There has to be a supreme intelligent being who designed everything in nature. There can't be multiple supreme beings, because that would be a deity conflict.

    Yes, I am a Christian.  

  23. One God search all the other planets in the known universe noone on any those that they can say they that they exsist.but there are plenty of life forms here to say hey we exsist. now there One God like there's only one planet with life.there are many gods but only One God has life. He exsist whether we belive or don't.and for this reason - a fool hath said in his heart there is no knw God as a babe now ave you forgotten Him. the earth's years can be counted but God's years cannot be He always was God and will always be God. always Was always will Be. He's from a forever past and He is the forever future. not everyone belives because not everyone is going to be with Him .

  24. Not just "a god", but the God of Abraham, Israel, and the Christ Jesus.

    The reason why is because it all makes sense to me. I've read the bible four times and yes there is a heck of a lot of hypocrisy, lies, murders, adulteries, sodomy, bestiality, fears, incest, stealing, double dealing, hatred and foolishness. But ... I've noticed in my studies it all comes from men and women.

    Not God.

    I can't find a single place in the bible where God makes mistakes, has lied, or stole from us. He gives us His word and it is kept. Through His mercies we don't burn up, and His compassion for us never fails. His forgiveness is renewed every single day. From the moment you get up in the morning His compassion is ready to forgive. He is the most faithful you will ever know.

    When your read to understand you find that the bible shows us nothing but common sense in loving our God. Everything makes sense and what doesn't make sense to the individual is just a matter of finding out why and where the answer is. Because it is there.

    The other thing I've found is that the Bible doesn't have "all the answers"! It has all the answers we need here and now.

    And that is good enough for me, for now.  

  25. yeah, I also believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and The Tooth Fairy!

  26. not exactly it just seems like that isn't possible  

  27. Yes I do, he died on the Cross for our sins.

  28. No i don't believe in any good because:

    1. No proof of existence

    2.My life hasn't changed in any way since I've stopped believing in god.

    3.Many wars in the past have been fueled by religious beliefs. Do you share beliefs with today's terrorists?

  29. I believe in the Ultima Omega Lifeform =)

  30. No. God is an imaginary being that exist in people's imagination.

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