
Do you believe in al gore and his theory on global warming?

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Do you believe in al gore and his theory on global warming?




  1. Yes I believe him

    how else do you interpret the info he provides?

  2. The apocalypse will come, no matter what the label.

  3. no. the whole 12-21-2012 theory about the poles shifting makes much more sense.


    now im oldny 14, but I am one of those people whos gonna have to clean this d**n c**p up. Thanks to all of these old people who made the earth a rotating dumpster.

    i totally believe it. I do believe though, that we can change if we try.

  5. i wouldn't believe it if it was al gore who came up with the theory.

    But i do believe in global warming.

    Okay, so what if there's snow?

    the portion of the world that's snowy is snowy because it's kinda tilted away from the sun.

    that doesn't have a thing to do with the ozone layer.

    There's no global warming?

    tell that to all the polar bears and other animals, and the people who hunt those animals, while all the glaciers and ice is melting away.

  6. yup...mostly. & i believe we can save the person does makes a difference

  7. nope.

  8. I wouldn't believe Al Gore if he said the sun rises in the East.

  9. Yes, given that something like 70-90% of scientists acoss many fields agree, depending on what poll or study you look at.

  10. 1. Global Warming isn't Al Gore's theory. He wasn't the one to come up with it in the first place.

    2. Don't treat global warming like its a religion. You are very similar to the creationists who go around claiming evolution is a religion and Darwin is the one responsible for it all.

  11. Yes I do believe that Al Gore is a real person.  But I do not believe IN him.  I am not trusting him for one thing.  He was a journalim major - how does that qualify him to know about global warming anymore than a car mechanic?  It makes more sense to me that this is a cyclic occurence and that may be what we are experiencing.  However, tell that to the folks in Kansas this week as they dig out of the snow!

  12. Al Gore has nothing to do with the facts.  I believe what the scientists say.

    This is science and what counts is the data.

    "I wasn’t convinced by a person or any interest group—it was the data that got me. I was utterly convinced of this connection between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change. And I was convinced that if we didn’t do something about this, we would be in deep trouble.”

    Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.)

    Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut

    Here are two summaries of the mountain of peer reviewed data that convinced Admiral Truly and the vast majority of the scientific community, short and long.

    summarized at:

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know...  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point.  You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

    Good websites for more info:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  13. no

  14. Al is a politician.  As everyone knows, a politician would never ever lie because it would destroy his career.  All right-thinking people believe Al.  

    If Al says he invented global warming and the internet, then he did.  See first part of answer, above.

    Doesn't it help when it is all laid out for you?

    Al's lavish lifestyle, his financial interests in carbon credit trading and sitting on the Kyoto treaty for 800 days during his reign as VP not presenting it to the senate for confirmation are red herrings promulgated by those who seek to denigrate this man of integrity.

  15. nope.. i think global warming has been going on for ever and it is stupid to fret now

  16. Yes...I live in a place that used to have snow all the time. Every winter would be filled with deep snow. Now we are lucky to get a good dusting.

    You'd have to be stupid to not be aware of the changes the earth is going through...

  17. Not in the least.  The guy has no scientific degree to make any type of assertions.  And besides, it just snowed here 12.5 inches in much for global warming.

  18. No, not especially.  I do, however, that we can do more to give back to the environment than we do.  Plant a few trees wherever you are and use things that don't waste energy.  The changes he speaks of have taken many hundreds and thousands of years to accomplish.  He talks about species we've lost but he never speaks about the thousands we have lost from the dinosaur age on upward.  If the fossils weren't frozen in the north pole and other places, we wouldn't have fossil fuel to derive from it.  His projections are thousands of years away and don't really vary from all the other ages we've already come through.

  19. I believe in Al Gore.  He's quite real--I even saw him once.  But the hypothesis of global warming is not his and it isn't a theory.

    In the language of science,a theory is a general principal that has been demonstrated through extensive testing.  An hypothesis is an idea that has been put forth but has yet to stand up to extensive testing.  The global warming hypothesis fails on two counts: it is not general enough to be a theory and has yet to be tested rigorously enough to be accepted without reserve.

  20. to some extent

  21. It isn't Al Gore's theory! but yes. You need to read up on the actual science.

  22. I believe that Al Gore is dumb and that he's trying to look like he's doing something important. He's not very bright.

                       I hope this solved your question. lol

  23. thats funny, do you beleive in al gore, like he is god or not real or imaginary or something thats like saying do you beleive in cars or do you beleive in animals wtf haha lol

  24. I beleive in alfred gore, unlike the tooth fairy I think he is real.   He has no theory on global warming; he's just spreading information already available to the masses.    

    -Do you believe in W. and his wmd's?

  25. its not his theory but yes. it is the most plausible explanation of resent temperature change.

  26. Its been one of the worst winters in a long time in Washington State.  I blame it on Global Warming...

  27. Al Gore is one of the biggest jokes in environmental science.  He hitched his wagon to the wrong cause.  He is kind of a dumb guy!

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