
Do you believe in always taking the higher ground in most or all situations?

by Guest61275  |  earlier

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I don't. I don't believe you should do anything that would kill or hurt anyone, but if it bothers the person mentally on a temporary basis, I think by passing the whole higher ground deal is sometimes important.




  1. in most situations you should let things be but sometimes you need to get down a dirty w/ someone to show your passion for something

  2. I always thought that the "Higher Ground" was a question of your morals? Such as "Right is Might" etc. When you know that your right, and not just trying to get what you want.

  3. Yes, I believe that whenever possible one should take the high ground.  When I do I always come away with a higher opinion of myself especially when I know I was correct in my opinion.  Sometimes though, we are brought down to the lower road through no fault of our own and thats when our wit and wisdom comes in handy.  I try not to intentionally hurt anyone but when it comes down to defending myself, physically, mentally, or otherwise then I will do it without hesitation.

  4. I find that taking the higher ground is extremely taxing. I used to, until i repeatedly was beaten down til i snapped and tried to kill myself. Idealistically, its a very noble concept, but in practice it's painful as h**l, and i dont think any human can bear the brunt of it.

    Eventually you can sum it up as two things: Survival vs. morals. Are you're morals more important or is you're well being more important? If you choose to take the lower path, will you be able to live with yourself afterwards? And if you take the higher path are you ready for the consequences and pain that ensues?

    I think if you follow the rules you said: to not kill or hurt, than you can create a healthy combination of the two and be proud of yourself as a person.

  5. any military adviser will tell you. always take the higher ground when possible. it's easier to fight your enemies from above then below.

  6. NOPE... I didn't get a Psych Minor to not use it when I want to cut someone to pieces with my double edged tongue

  7. I do believe in always taking the higher ground in most or all situations because it causes me no pain, guilt or remorse and it makes others wonder what in the world am I up to!

  8. YES! I do believe taking the high road in most situations.  I think sometimes it is so easy to run off your mouth with words of hurt and anger in the heat of the moment, when it is actually much harder to hold that restraint until you have cooled down to think before you speak.  A lot of people say painfully scarring words during these times, and sometimes these words can leave a scar forever.  People never let go of words like these.  

    Thanks for reading!

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