
Do you believe in animal rights?

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I believe in animal rights and to live a cruelty free life as much as possible. I am a vegetarian for this reason and wear no animal products.

Is this a choice many have made and if not why?

No rude comments please

I am a proud supporter of Peta as well as other animal rights organizations.




  1. I support animal rights. I do however think peta takes things to the extreme, but yes I do agree with you. Thankyou for caring for the animals!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes I do...That's why I am vegan.

  3. No, I don't believe animals have rights. As another posted stated, animals don't have responsibilities, therefore they do not have rights. There's also the fact that aside from humans, animals have no concept of rights or responsibilities, only survival. The day a wolf or a cougar or a grizzly bear recognizes my "right" to live is the day I believe in animal rights.

    I do believe in enforcing laws that stop animal cruelty, whether the animal will be eaten or not. I also believe strongly in conservation. We have a responsibility to reduce our footprint on the earth for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and future generations.

  4. yes i do believe in animal rights, i think they should be treated the same as people. They are living creatures just like us just look different. Hurting animals leads to h**l.

  5. I do not support the idea that animals share the same rights as people, so I don't support PETA, since this seems to be their agenda. I believe in the humane treatment of animals, so I don't eat them.  

  6. Nah

  7. no, i do believe they have the right to keep us warm with fur and leather and the right to keep our bellies full and the right to be tested on. would you want a new procedure tested on humans that would be inhumane.

  8. I believe that animals should not be subjected to undue pain.  I also believe that in order to have rights a being should also recognize responsibilities other than to themselves.  PETA is a warped organization.

  9. they have a right to live however their owners deem worthy until i'm hungry.

    haha! yeah, no i eat meats, but i actually am against the way my food is treated most of the time. i had cow that was raised on a farm with good living conditions... tasted WAY better than steriod enhanced stressed out cow.

  10. No, not animal rights, animal welfare. I realize that animals will be killed for food but would like to see improvements in the manner in which they are housed, treated and killed. And minimize waste.

    Being a vegan is not a choice made by many given the fact that of the 2-5% of vegetarians in the US for example, only 1% of that number are vegans.

    Perhaps you can ask PETA about the rights of the 17,000 animals they have killed so far. It is documented that many of those animals are perfectly healthy and not beyond redemption as PETA claims. You can see for yourself here:

  11. i do

  12. Yes animal rights are so important.....I prefer them to some humans !

  13. Yes, I'm a true-blue animal rightist. I'm a vegan and have been ever since I discovered how all animals in the egg, milk and meat industry (as well as other animal products) that are exploited suffer, even if they're in 'free-range' or 'organic' systems.

    I'm an activist as well. I write a blog, letters and articles, I leaflet and collect money for Animal Aid, the Dr. Hadwen Trust and the Hillside Animal Sanctuary, and I've taken part in animal rescue. I plan to do a lot more in the future.

    I helped rescue 320 chickens from a 'free-range' farm in the UK the other week. It was a very dark barn, with filthy bars for a floor and the poor hens were PACKED in there. It was all lawful - the farmer was on board. We took them to caring homes and sanctuaries across the UK, otherwise they would have been slaughtered, like all animals in exploitative industries.

    I'm planning to help build a sanctuary in central India and also to work on a sanctuary either campaigning for helping care for the animals in either New York or California next year.

    Animals have rights, so go vegan!

  14. Yes I do. I'm a vegetarian and I don't wear leather but I was wearing silk until I toured a silk mill--now no more silk. I LOVE animals and do not want to hurt them, eat them or see them suffer.

  15. i believe in animal rights all the way...

    animals are tortured and we cant even explain there pain, and neither can they... they are so innocent xx

  16. I believe they have the right to taste as delicious as possible and look good stretched over my feet and draped over my body.

    They are here for our benefit and are at the lower end of the food chain, as long as you don't torture them, I have no problem using them so I can live as was intended by Mother Nature.

  17. Your A good person! I believe in what you do. Isnt it cruel how they kill dogs in the Pound? It makes me want to cry.

  18. I believe all creatures on Earth should be treated equally. They don't mess with us, we don't mess with them. And I try to live as cruelty free as I can.

  19. YES!!!!

  20. iam a animal lover!! iam 21 years old! im becoming a vegetarian due to all the cruelty being done to the animals in the slaughter houses! everytime i do a research paper i always do it on animal cruelty! our voiceless friends need us and i will do everything i can to help them! i read that if u go veg you save 100 animals a year!! i hope all those people torturing animals and skining them rot in h**l!!! they are evil people and they will get theres!  i love peta and people dont want to know what is really going on with these animals so they dont like to watch the videos or learn what is really going on that way they dont feel guilty by not feelin sympthany for these animals!

  21. No, but I believe in animal welfare.

    I'm a vegan because I choose to minimise my personal contribution to animal suffering and exploitation as much as I can and to ensure that as few animals as possible are harmed or killed on my account. As such I don't consume anything that comes from an animal, nor do I use animal products to clothe, clean or beautify myself or to clean  or furnish my home.

    But I value human life way over animal life. PeTA doesn't represent me.

  22. I believe that it is unjust to maltreat or abuse animals and I'm so against animal cruelty. Period. I do not believe that animals or plants have RIGHTS. Because accompanying the Rights were responsibilities, which apparently, the animals can't perform. Why, could you accuse a tiger Grave Misconduct when it goes out of the jungle threatening people? Can we blame a shark for attacking humans? I mean, we consider them lower forms of beings... Before we get so concerned with these animals(whose main concern is to survive and/or reproduce) LET US BE CONCERNED FIRST WITH OUR FELLOW BEINGS.

  23. I can't say that I really believe in "animal rights," per se. I always thought that you have to be a citizen of some jurisdiction to have "rights." By that argument, an animal wouldn't have any more "rights" than a fetus would. (I know I'll get some thumbs down for that statement.)

    However, I do believe in animal welfare. We are stewards of this planet and of all whom live on it. Therefore, we have a moral obligation to other living creatures, and we should do our best not to hurt them. I went vegetarian for health reasons, but the fact that my choice is harming fewer animals is a terrific benefit. It makes me feel like I'm helping myself as well as them.

  24. I would accord nonhuman animals the same rights as a human child (who also doesn't have any legal responsibilities, does it).  So, no, my cat does not have the right to vote, but she does get a pleasant home with food served to her on a regular basis.

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