
Do you believe in any superstitions?

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I believe that if I think positive good things will happen




  1. i do not think superstisions are real because do you know that in some countrys white cats are bad luck and black cats are good luck! lol i will have a balck cat when im older. plus once when me and my friend were little we decided to test this and walked under a ladder like six times and guess wat? that day we got the sleppover we wanted and it was really fun. O and on friday the 13th ive stepped on cracks and my moms fine plus that day has always been like any other day for me. Superstitions are not real and to prove it to you when i graduate high school i will get 3 black cats!

  2. not really, but i close my eyes everytime i walk under a ladder! =)

  3. Yes, I'm Hispanic and it is almost a must for 1st generation Hispanics in the US. But it is losing its luster with the next generations, which kind of makes me said.

    They're just something fun to believe in.

  4. no, superstitions are not real! trust me!!! when i was little, when i used to get mad at my mom, i would step on a crack! lol! but nothing happened! and my brother and I used to run under the ladder all the time!!!

  5. Never wear shoes of a deceased person, they could lead you to the same fate.  

    That's one that I believe.

  6. i believe in all the superstitons

  7. never

  8. sort of i believe that there is never any smoke without fire and that all these ideas get started for a reason, but that that reason is sometimes very different from what we believe others are just plain common sense, but they all have some degree of truth in them.

  9. that is not superstition.

  10. I don't believe in any superstitions to do with luck!

  11. I dont believe in superstition. It brings bad luck!

  12. Superstitions by definition - today it is applied to conceptions without foundation in, or in contravention of, scientific and logical knowledge.

    So no I do not 'believe' in fairy stories.

  13. I dont particularly believe but i find myself doing certain things. i.e. dont walk under ladders. dont walk over 3 drains in a line.

  14. well i don't quiet believe in them..but i do try avoiding them..

    if a black cat passes by,i hold any button near :p...

  15. no, dont believe anything like that. touch wood.

  16. You're right they do.

    The superstition I believe in is if you break a mirror then you have to leave the broken shards for 7 hours before clearing away so that you get only 7 hours bad luck.

    If you clear it up right away you'll get 7 years bad luck.

    Also, don't walk under ladders.

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