
Do you believe in clairvoyants or are they a croc?

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Do you believe in clairvoyants or are they a croc?




  1. I have only encountered people who I would consider clairvoyant on a couple of occasions and it was very unnerving. So I know they exist, but, as far as believing in them, that is trusting in them, probably not any more or less than anyone else. It seems more likely that a large number of people who claim to be clairvoyant are indeed a croc and are being opportunistic, because it is a subject that is not completely understood and they feel they can get away with it.

  2. Hello Melly

    Im a psychic - we are real.

    But like all aspects of life there are fakes.


  3. No clairvoyant has ever - ever - been able to predict future events.


  4. Clairvoyants are a crock.

    Otherwise none of them would have to work for a living, would they?

  5. Well, if they were real, they would all be millionaires and be able to prove their ability under scientifically based conditions.

    Those claiming to be psychic, are no more psychic than anyone else.  Can they prove they are?  No.  They can just say it.  

    If there are any real ones here, they can go to the link below, and win the million dollar prize offered.

    Will anyone win?   Highly doubtful, as no one has even been able to get through the preliminary testing phase.  Can you guess why?   Exactly.

  6. A crock! Either charlatans or mentally ill.

  7. I'm a firm believer. :)

  8. Well like with anything else, some people are more perceptive then others.  Also some people are luckier in figuring out the future than others.  Think of it like flipping a coin, some times they land on their faces 9 times in a row before landing on tails.  The same thing with fortune tellers, they get a bit more lucky than the rest of us, or they are very perceptive and use vague terms that are open to interpretation.  

    So the answer is no, but I'm sure they can help the more gullible amongst us sort some things out.

  9. If they were truly clairvoyant then they would seek you out and know what  you wanted, right?

    They would all be rich and all crimes and acts of terrorism would be prevented.

    All disasters would be less horrible as the clairvoyants would have emergency crews on scene BEFORE the horrific event.

    Gambling on sports event would end.

    Research and Development departments and costs would be a tiny fraction of what they are now as they would never have to test anything.

    Pregnant women would always know if they're having a boy or a girl.

    There would be NO unsolved crimes and all the conspiracy theorists would be out of work.





    You have to dig deep to find them but get hold of some of Edward Cayce's original works. The original printings. ... we're supposed to all be dead by now and the new millennia would be growing from the ashes of the old ... and he's supposed to be the greatest prophet/profit of the 20th Century.

  10. Yes, I believe in them.  I have seen many people who have had personally experiences that are unexplainable after visiting a claivoyant.  Look at it this way, if people can train their bodies to become olympic athlethes, then people can train their psychic abilities and thoughts.

  11. I wouldn't shoot a clairvoyant if one was known to me but

    I've shot one marine croc using .303 rifle from a boat that

    was smaller in length than the reptile present.   I understand

    clairvoyants have one thing in common with me; they'll skin

    anything with investment value.

  12. I just knew you were going to ask that

  13. My answer is yes,they are indeed a crock.

  14. a croc is a crocodile...

  15. If they ask you for money, run quick.

  16. My take on it is that there are some people who truly think they are clairvoyant, but I've never seen any evidence that would compel me to believe that clairvoyance is an actual ability.

  17. You are asking a question that calls for a very broad generalization. For example do you believe that all people online claiming to be redheads are telling the truth or are they lying. The answer is some of both.

    Yes, I believe in the human ability of clairvoyance. Yes, I believe some people lie about their ability.

    Please allow me to correct the misinformation frequently posted on YA.

    Clairvoyant means the ability to see (images in the mind) or acquire visual information without the use of the normal senses. It does mean that you are seeing with your eyes just that you process the information in your brain visually.

    This is not the same as fortune telling, prophecy, or having premonitions.

    Next, no scientific research has shown any person to be 100% accurate. Most parapsychologist regard this as a normal human ability not a super power (as skeptics like to argue against this non existent claim).

    All human abilities are open to levels of perfection. Your ability to learn to play, maybe even play the piano will not make you the next Mozart. However, it might allow someone else (maybe you?) to do this with that human ability.

    So, all psychics won't win the lottery every time, or know all people's thoughts, or be able to fly or run faster than a speeding bullet.

    If a psychic claims huge accuracy I agree be wary and doubtful.

    I have posted some links below for you on an experiment called the Ganzfeld.

    The more you know....


  18. It's all lies to be honest.

  19. When the 3rd eye is open,what the doubters have to say

    means nothing.

    Open this,then you will know what you are curious about.

    But then again,who can really handle the truth?

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