
Do you believe in coincidences or that everything happens for a reason?

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You get hit by a bus. Coincidence or did it happened for a reason?




  1. nothing is a coincidence, everything happens for a reason!!

  2. I think everything has an effect on the futur no matter haw insignificant that effect is.  That why if we managed to go in the past, the reality of the new futur would be different beacuse just by doing something as minimal as sneezing would change the course of the future.

  3. Hi

    I got hit by the bus for a reason. There are no coincidences. My kids got a large insurance check!


  4. Everything in this life - every action has a reaction.  If for example - you were picked on in grade school, the way you dealt with that shapes the future of your life.  

    Consider each a tiny test, nothing is pass or fail.  If you get struck by a bus, the immediate issue is life or death, if life prevails, then you go through the healing process physical and emotional.  Blah Blah blah, the point is this...  If something happens to you it's your reaction to that thing that set you on your life path.  

    Chances are its more human error if you get hit by a bus.  If you are in your living room and the bus comes crashing through the front window and hits you maybe this coincidental, if its driven by your spouse well, there might be a reason there.

    The only control we have is our own emotional or physical response to outside circumstances.

  5. Pure Coincidence.  I dont like the idea of fate because i like to feel in control of my own life.

  6. I believe everything happens for a reason but I also believe I may not be able to figure out what the reason is.  Sometimes you do figure it out many years later.

  7. Coincidence would be getting hit by the bus that my sister was riding in as I was crossing the street to visit her.

    But I believe in coincidence rather than predestination.

  8. I am a big believer in karma and that everyrhing happens for a reason

  9. thats a tough one to prove happened for a reason, but i think everything does lead to something else. ive had a lot of random things happen that have lead to amazing things  

  10. im a religious guy and believe in god so i like to believe that everything is kinda happens for a reason based on the decisions everyone makes, but theres no way to prove it

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