
Do you believe in death? If so, why?

by Guest56404  |  earlier

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All of us should believe in life, since we are experiencing it at the moment. But simply because I watch others die, can I assume that I will as well? Can I ever assume that death exists until I experience it?




  1. Recognizing the reality of death is not very hard. Having seen too many funerals, I KNOW that it is real.

  2. Do you actually have to stand in the rain, in order to know that you will get wet if you do?

  3. Peace and blessings be upon you.

    yes, i believe in death.

    because i don't see anything live forever ,all die.

  4. Nope. I shall live forever. Just like Elvis.

    -- But in all seriousness, I do believe in the cycle of all things. Everything experiences 'death.' Just like the new moon disappearing for awhile, only to be reborn. I believe in death, but not its finality.

  5. Go walk in front of a bus to test your theory.

    And yes, you can assume that you will die...In all the billions of people and animals that have ever existed, not one of them has escaped death. It is a testable, inevitable event.

    I have no idea what your question implies.

    It's kinda like saying, "Should I assume that 12 + 8 equals 20, even though I haven't actually completed this equation on my own?" Well, dur.

  6. It exits for everyone and everything. I will worry about death when I am dead.

  7. Death is simply change.  Life constantly changes like leaves that fall off of a tree in the autumn, and then grow back in the spring.  The universe continuously reconfigures itself, and it never stays the same.  Biological "death" in humans fits into this entire process.

    The role of consciousness in this matter plays a similar part.  Quite a few people have it in their heads that consciousness exists as a basic aspect of the Universe.  Like energy, it never really gets created or destroyed.  However, it does change it's states throughout the course of existence.

    Some very powerful methods of knowing do exist.  You don't actually have to go through biological death to obtain firsthand experience.

  8. You know you don't live your life like this.  Do you not put your hand in fire because you aren't sure if it burns?  Do you not eat f***s because you haven't experienced if it taste bad?   You don't always have to experience something to know the outcome.

  9. Theoretically, it's not a 100% chance. The odds of escaping death... not high.  

  10. witnessing death is proof enough. its a trend that has been going on since life began... there is no visible trend of God anywhere i can see (and dont start arguing "creation" people, you know that won't work on me)

  11. I'm pretty sure death is real. Precedence and all that.

  12. NO I do not, Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that we have ALWAYS existed never do we cease to exist as souls we move from lifetime to lifetime the thing is that we do not remember because that is for God alone, it is what makes God divine and us mortal.

  13. Yes, We all will die. Because Nobody lives forever. I do believe it.

  14. I think, that based on the overwhelming body of evidence you will die.

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