
Do you believe in divorce?

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Do you believe in divorce?




  1. if you dont believe in divorce i dont see how you can believe in marridge cause their is a lot of people that dont know what their getting into

  2. Do you believe in marriage?  That's the most important question.  Wouldn't we all love the fairy tale life that we dreamed of when we were little girls!  Divorce happens no I don't believe in it but I have been through it.  Its not about your beliefs honey marriage takes two and sometimes you have no control of the outcome.  

  3. i believe that if the differences between the spouses are of an irreconcilable nature, and a healthy marital relationship can't be retrieved, then of course, divorce is the best option. aftter all why stay trapped in an unhappy marriage?life's too d**n short for that. however, i'm vehemently opposed to people who marry on impulse, thinking, "oh well i can always get a divorce if things don't work out" marriage is a contract which should be entered into lightly, and those serial monogamists are undermining this institution.

  4. Yes.  I believe that people that are married should do everything they can to stay married but no one should HAVE to stay when they're are unhappy.

  5. this question has been asked for thousands and thousands of years.

    each year divorces increase.

    here's my take, choose wisely and never ever ever say I do, unless your committed to the end.

    separation is an option, but it skcus. big time.

    If you absolutely, positively have no choice but to divorce because of infidelity (and not of your doing, but his or her doing) then you divorce, but only under the condition that you will never ever ever marry.

    the bible makes it even harder. it says. if you must separate, then you separate, but DIVORCE is a NEVER.

  6. It all depends on the circumstances.

    If my husband and I bicker, I'll try to work things out with him.

    If my husband beats the c**p out of me, he's out.

  7. Depends.

    Ideally, I don't believe in divorce, but realistically I know that people get married for the wrong reasons now-a-days and there is no point in two incompatible people being trapped in a relationship together.

    Once-upon-a-time people got married because they had compatible beliefs, backgrounds, ideals, morals, and interests. Now people get married because chemical reactions in their brains confuse them into thinking that every relationship is "real love" and they every time they fall in love it will be the last time. People who, once they get to know each other, HATE each other get married every day out of a confused belief that co-dependence and lust is actually love.

    So I guess, I believe that a marriage that is based on "feelings" and devoid of common sense (do we share enough common ground) isn't really marriage at all, and since that is the case divorce is okay. It's not like the people involved are splitting up a healthy union anyway.  

  8. i believe that when you get married, you should be 100% committed and ready to spend the rest of your life with the person you marry. otherwise, whats the point of marriage in the first place? i think divorce is the easy way out for people who aren't willing to try to work out problems with their spouse. who said marriage was easy? it's deal with it. if your in love, it will be worth it.

    * the only exception i believe would justify a divorce would be cheating.

  9.   Yes, when you are dating everybody wants to make a good impression.  When you are married, then the true personality comes out.  The problem is that some people marry too soon, before they get to know each other well enough.

  10. well my parents had a divoirce when i was very little...and I HATE IT! but i deal with it...all i want is my 'rents to be happy so i deal with what life throws at me even tho i really wish ppl didnt get em but if u have to, then u have to it that simple

  11. Reilgously, i believe god wants us to be happy.

    I dont believe divorce is holy by any means, but I think god wants us to be happy, and if in divorce we are happier then yes.

    I dont think god would rather us be miserable.

    Personally, I think people make mistakes. And sometimes it better to try and work it out, and sometimes its better to divorce and move on.

  12. No but i guess, there maybe circumstances that will occur and as such a divorce maybe the only way.  If two people love each other as much as they say they do then some divorce should not be even a topic to consider. My take is this, if you are not serious about  the person and the relationship you are in don't do it, as marriage is a big step and a contract to both persons lives and it makes no sense you sign a contract that you are not yet ready to live by.

  13. yes i believe in divorce, sometimes its necessary when u get abused, or cheated on, when u marry its always a gamble, u think u will be with that person forever but its not always the way we plan it.

  14. I believe if you have tried your best and exhausted all hope of making a marriage work as a couple then it is probably best to move on. You won't truly be happy living with someone you no longer love/have respect for, etc.

  15.     Yes, but I think way too many people rush into divorce for stupid reasons without putting any effort into saving the marriage.

  16. i hate how american society is just sooo INTO divorce for absolutely no reason... These celebtries get married and then fight a few times and well it is time for divorce...We need to learn how to work it out BUT if someone has tried their best to work things out or perhaps the relationship is just not possible then yes divorce is okay... I just feel people take advantage of divorce...marriage is no longer a sacred thing.

  17. As a Catholic, I do not. I feel that if you are going to get married, be sure it is someone you could spend every day and night with; engagement shouldn't be after a month, it should be decided after years and years of a good and healthy relationship.

    Marriage is not taken as seriously as it should be now a days.

  18. I think the circumstances are important to consider but divorce should only be the absolute last option. Sooo many marriages end that should not. Getting married is a huge commitment and it should be for life. The bible says infidelity is the only acceptable cause for a divorce but I have to say some people become so abusive that it is dangerous to stay with them and I believe that God understands that. There is not enough value placed on good marriages in this society anymore and therefore people see it as no big deal if they want a divorce. The mentality now is that it's all about me and if I am not happy I will leave. Marriage takes work. It is hard. But it is worth it.  

  19. Yes, people can change a lot over a long period of time. If a person is unhappy in the relationship they shouldn't remain in it. We only have one life and it should be lived as happily as possible.

  20. no i do not, thats why i have not got married yet, i wont do it unless i know that is the man im going to look at when im 80!

  21. I do, when I was about seven my parents divorced - they were always fighting, arguing about little things than my father met someone else. My mother and him got a divorce and my father remarried. My parents are much better off as friends than they were before. Some people just don't spend enough time to get to know their significant other before marriage. I blame the people who marry too early / or for a materialistic reason for all the people who are against divorce, they are the ones who make it ugly.

  22. Only in rare cases. If there are children involved then I would disagree. Even a bad husband, or a poor wife is better than no dad, nor a mother. Until the children have left the home then the two parents are obligated to the family to see it through. The children NEED BOTH PARENTS in order to grow into a healthier adult. So until the children have grown and left I would rarely condone a divorce.

    If there are no children and the relationship is abusive then by all means get your body out of there. Before someone has to pay disproportionately for their mistake in marriage.

  23. No, but sometimes it is the only way.  I don't believe in pulling teeth either but if you've tried everything else and the pain is still there, it may be the only option.  I don't mean that to minimize the seriousness of divorce.  I just mean that as horrible as divorce is, it is often better than staying in an abusive marriage full of pain and misery.

  24. Quiet honestly if there are children involved, No. I think it is very selfish to the children in the family because all of a sudden the parents don't want to deal with each other anymore. It is very irresponsible as adults to bring children in this world when they aren't sure they want to be together. My advice to newlyweds are wait a couple of years and see if you really want to be bothered with this person because after the honeymoon is over and reality sets in it's not all sunshine and butterflies when you're stuck with a person you really don't know after all.  

  25. I think divorce can cracked the relatioship between the man's family and the woman's family.

  26. Yes, but only when it's a last resort.  People marry and divorce like crazy, and it shouldn't be like that.  when you marry, you make a lifelong promise, which many people seem to have no problem breaking.  If someone is beating you, divorce them.  If you have tried absolutely everything possible and they still won't treat you the way you deserve to be treated, divorce them.  But don't go file for divorce the first time they throw their clothes in the floor.  Try counseling, talking it out, or whatever else it takes first.

  27. Yes, if you're truly unhappy it's time to move on. I don't care what anyone says. Everyone deserves to be happy, you only have one life don't spend it miserable with someone who isn't right for you. I don't however think divorce should be taken lightly.


  28. i dont believe in marrying soemone that you will divorce. As in people marrying jsut because they dotn want to be alone or people marrying because they "like" that person. Divorce should be a last resort and people use it all the time and act like you can collect divorce trophys to display in a china cabinet

  29. I didn't used to.  Marriage meant 'forever' to me.

    BUT, after being in an abusive marriage for way too long, I came to the realization that it was actually a Godsend.  I don't believe in divorce as a fix-all for people are are just unhappy.  Marriages take work and that's part of what 'for better or worse' means.  But, I do believe in divorce as a way for someone to reclaim their life, safety, sanity, health in any abusive relationship.

  30. Personally I don't believe in divorce.  My parents have been marred 58 years and everyone of my brothers and sisters have been divorced.  I waited until I was 37 to get married because I only want to do it once.

    People that are in abusive situations - real abuse - deserve to be set free from that situation and divorce is appropriate.  

    Why get married if you even remotely have a chance that you'd divorce that person.  That isn't what marriage is for. It's for mature, responsible people.

  31. yeah it happens everyday.  but i think your asking if i believe divorce is moral in that case yes.  everyone makes mistakes.  no one is perfect.

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