
Do you believe in equality of opportunity or equality of outcome?

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Do you believe in equality of opportunity or equality of outcome?




  1. Equality of opportunity.

    That's why liberals actually try to PROVIDE those opportunities for those who don't have them (or those who don't have them fairly), while conservatives sit back and have the wealthy and the privileged reap the benefits.

  2. If I had to pick one, it would be opportunity because "outcome" is incumbent upon the recipient of the "opportunity" to see to.  No one can guarantee that with the exact same opportunity that the outcome would be the same.  That's just preposterous!  

    I would even go as far to say that no one should be encumbered with providing equal "opportunity"- one should create opportunity for ONESELF!  

  3. Conservatives believe in equality of opportunity.  Liberals believe in equality of outcome.

  4. Opportunity, everyone has an opportunity, some people just have more than others and that is life

  5. Opportunity.  Leftists are going to sit this one out for sure.

  6. Opportunity. If the outcome is always the same then there is no incentive to excel.

  7. Opportunity.  Society owes you a level playing field.  Nothing else.  How you choose to play on that field is on you.

    It is impossible to guarantee equal outcomes, without victimizing those who choose to succeed, in favor of those who choose to fail.

    And any society that favors the losers at the expense of the winners will foster more losers and less winners, until there are not enough winners to pay the losers, and then GAME OVER.

  8. You're going to confuse the libs with this one.

    Actually, libs don't care about the outcome only the "good intentions".

  9. Equality of opportunity. Outcomes should be based on the merits of an individual.

  10. Equality of opportunity.  

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