
Do you believe in evolution and if so whats the next step?

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  1. I accept the findings of science, including evolution.

    Next step?

    Most species have been stable during most of their existence. I don't think we're continuing to evolve. We're too numerous and widespread for any change to spread through the whole species.

  2. Dude, haven't you seen x-men?

    Lol, no actually that's just wishful thinking.

    Hmm what is after humans, it's actually rather hard to think of anything besides improved mental capacity.

    I don't think it's completley far-fetched.  Think of all the things our bodies and minds might be capable of at full capacity?

    Us floating or "no longer having the need for a body" is just bizaar, immature and a bit creepy.

  3. yes i do. think about it this way...evolution was not all about the survival of the fittest...its about who is most adaptable to change. however modern humans have changed that... what happens now is the people who have the most s*x get their genes passed what category of people has the most s*x? beautiful people, albeit quite stupid (also because uneducated ppl obv. know less about contraception) so my prediction is that the human race is going to get progressively stupider.

  4. Yes I believe in evolution of the species due to the recent scientific evidence shown that can prove such a thing has occurred. That said, should the human species not blow itself into extinction leaving roaches or octopi as the next evolutionary inheritors, I would presume that humanity would grow more intelligent than it is today and be better able to comprehend our profound link to one another as well as perhaps develop adaptations to the increased pollutions, diseases, and radiations that are increasing greatly across the globe.

  5. no,it is just life programmed to be more

    excited for humans,and feel is we

    think that we did development in our human

    life or history,it is just a little changements

    to change factors of life,

    Bcz it should not keep as it is in the hands

    of clever or strong ones or dominators or

    governors or rlgs men mltry men or rich

    men or strong  nations or...bla bla bla...

    if there is no change,life will be messed

    no one of weak person,nations,tribes,etc

    will get his fair chance to struggle..

    that is all

    good luck ,humanity

  6. It is not to do with believing in evolution. It is a fact. As to the future it is hard to believe mankind will look the same in a million years. We would probably have evolved into something else by then. Read HG Wells' Time Machine.

  7. After I looked again at your question I noticed that everyone is answering the question, "what is the next step in the process of evolution?"  My first thought was to answer the question, "what is the next step in the philosophical process toward making my world a better place now that we know about evolution?"  Even though you probably intended the first question, the second deserves an answer.  

    What is the next step in evolution?

    What we know about evolution applies to plants and animals living in the wild.  Organisms in the wild will continue to evolve under natural and man-made pressures.

    What is the next step in human evolution?

    Humans will continue to evolve in response to environmental pressures, both natural and man-made.  The changes will be difficult to predict. Even in the last few thousand years humans have evolved in response to pressures; that explains the divergence of races.  If isolation had lasted a few thousand years longer, races may even have become distinct species.  There will still be pressures, even if they are social or cultural in origin.  Those pressures will determine who is most successful in propagation.  I suppose if we venture out into the stars we will be in isolated communities that will each evolve in different ways.  Technological man will be those members of our society who propagate most successfuly in the technological age.  

    Now that we know about evolution, how can we use this knowledge to make our lives better?

    Look into the origins of the human animal  Look to our animal origins.  Can we learn things about ourselves and our natures that help us to understand human behavior, needs, drives, and responses better?  We have within us the social behavioral traits of primates and also the traits of predators / scavengers.  What we know about our origins should inform our understanding of psychology and physiology.  We are, after all, animals in clothes.

  8. I think that the next step is humans self destruction and then, after that, raising from the bottom and equality.

  9. It would depend on what happens within our environment and how we would adapt and go on. Its a journey not a destination.

  10. we all die

  11. The next step would be the ability to coordinate reality better.A step higher than that would be to be able to cooperate with reality better and even higher would be the ability to collaborate with reality in such a way that brings into perfect coordination all the activities ecountered by that being.

  12. That is not as simple of a question as it sounds.  I do believe in micro-evolution.  This is something we can see in the archeologic record.  This is how are bodies adapt to the surrounding environment.  This has been proven.  So, naturally I do believe this.

    However, macro-evolution (the evolution from apes kind of thing) is harder for me to believe.  I don't discount it, but I don't discount there being a divine hand in it either.  I don't think we can flat out ignore any of the evidence, even if it only supports it in theory.  We just can't make the leap to saying 'this is how it happened' either.  So, I am on the fence with this one.

    As far as our next step, you need to read the begining of my answer.  Our bodies are always adjusting to the way we live as well as where we live.  So, we are constantly evolving in a micro scale.  For instance, they are finding that more and more people don't have enough room in their mouths for wisdom teeth, and some are not even born with them.  Blue eyes are slowly fading in the world's population and most certainly in America where there is less difused sunlight.  It is possible that our metabolism as a group will speed up to accomodate our more sedintary lifestyle.  Our bones may also get smaller because thick bones for supporting more muscle mass will no longer be needed.  Eventually, we may lose the appendix completely or even tonsils.

    This will take a very long time, but I don't see evolution as a step by step process; but rather and continuous change through time.  (like watching those morphing effects in movies and Michael Jackson's video)

  13. Obviously there will be a significant mixing of the races, and the result will indeed be a leveling the playing field when it comes to arguing the major scientific difference that we have now.  And won't that be a good thing?

  14. I believe in evolution. There is no next step for mankind and if anything, we are actually starting to go backward.

    Think about this. 1000 years go before modern medicine, if a baby was born weak, sickley or deformed it would probably die. If a person had a weak immune system they would die. If a person was stupid, they couldnt afford many kids. Basically the old society used to get rid of bad genetics.

    Nowdays think of how many premature and sick babies are born which should be dead! How many people have are sickly and only kept alive by medication? And its a fact that lower IQ households have more children that intelligent households because they lack the idea of family planning.

    Basically mankind is degenerating and our weaknesses are being supplemented by technology instead of biology. Scientists refer to Techno Sapiens, the weaker modern man, which uses technology to become stronger.

  15. Yes, I believe in evolution. I really don't know what the next step is, but I don't think humans will evolve much more. Evolution is survival of the fittest. Only the fittest organisms that are able to reproduce will pass on traits. But, with modern health care, people with all kinds of genes can survive and reproduce.

  16. yes and we continue to evolve but evolution is reproductive success which requires adaptation to ones environment which is extremely unpredictable. So who knows?

  17. I don't.

    But if I did, I would say it would be the cease of existence.

  18. Human evolution?

    I think we've stopped it ourselves...

    Evolution is 'survival of the fittest' - ie, the weakest members of the species die early and don't get a chance to pass their genes on, but with modern healthcare etc, the weaker members of the human race are living to produce offspring

  19. Evolution is not survival of the fittest as some ignorant person has suggested here.

    Evolution is a biological fact.  We will observe the changes in the future.  What next step are you referring to?  The next step for humans?  Birds?  Fish?  Plants?  It is happening all around us producing different outcomes.

    To say humans won't evolve much more as another ignorant person stated here is just nonsense.  We are evolving.  We will continue to evolve, we are not a simple life form.  There are so many variables to consider when studying evolution.

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