
Do you believe in evolutionism or creationism?

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If you believed Charles Darwin's theory of evolutionism, or if you are of devout faith and believe in creationism, tell me please.




  1. Evolution obviously.

  2. creationism.

  3. There is no such thing as evolutionism. It is called evolution. It is not a matter of believing in it, but of recognizing the obvious. The only people who fail to recognize evolution are those who don't bother to understand it. There is plenty of evidence everywhere for evolution, and all scientists accept it.

  4. both

  5. BELIEVE IN? Odd way to put it.

    I accept the findings of science. That's not the same as mere belief, or blind faith.

    BTW, most believers in God also accept science, including evolution. That everyone has chosen one or the other is a myth. (I, myself, am godless, but I happen to know that many believers accept evolution.)

  6. Evolution is not a 'ism', it is not a belief, it is scientific fact. It is not Darwin's theory but the result of studies done by thousands of scientists over 200 years. It is a theory that is an intrinsic part of the whole of science.

    To denigh this is to live in cuckoo land

    Creationism is just one of hundreds of hypothesis put forward by religions to explain. All of them were fine in their time however we have an explanation that works and has facts to back it up.

  7. Darwin's theory is not called "evolutionism". It is the theory of evolution by natural selection. This is what I accept as the explanation for life on earth, until someone proves it wrong. Since people have been trying (without success) to prove it wrong for over 100 years, I am not worried about having to accept a new reality anytime soon.

  8. Creationism's not really a fair comparison because evolution supposedly starts after life has already's considered axiomatic that life began on earth at some's unknowable yet evident. However, the fundamental law of biology...the Law of Biogenesis....states that all life comes from previous living things and has never been refuted. So for life to exist on earth or anywhere else in the universe, it had to be created by a non-natural ocurrence or supernatural Creator. Simple logic. No one has ever demonstrated or observed life forming from non-living materials through purely natural chance processes..There are a few current hypothesis as to how this MAY happen but none have been proven....none. And no one has ever observed a fish evolving into an amphibian, bird to reptile , pre-ape to human, etc....they are inferred to have occurred based on micro-evolutionary observations and assume no barriers.

    The evidence of a Creator is all around us in the vast variety and complexity of life forms on earth and the vastly complex and compact informational code of DNA in every living thing. It is billions of times more complex and compact than any computer software or hardware man has created and no one questions that they were intelligently designed. Informational systems like the DNA molecule are non-material entities and do not arise from material objects by pure random chance....randomness is the opposite of informational systems.

    Most people, and some churches or faiths, go along with evolution because that is what is taught in schools or universities and critical thinking is not a high priority....contrary scientific evidence to evolution is not discussed or explored. People would like to be able to trust their teachers and scientists as to what the facts are but much of "macro" evolution theory is based on assumptions, facts and theories are "provisional"  and the fossil record does not support it at all according to Professor Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard who was a top paleontologist in the world.  Where Darwins evolution theory predicts we should find millions of transitional or intermediate fossils between life forms, we find none or very, very few possible ones. That is what led him to come up with the flawed "punctuated equilibrium" theory.

    Neo-Darwinian evolution theory is merely a flawed belief in naturalism...that all things can be explained by purely natural means or reasons without invoking a deity. The evidence shows otherwise.....yet some people will not see it.

  9. There is no rational doubt that the Earth orbits an ordinary star in an ordinary galaxy in a universe of hundreds of billions of galaxies.  Ten trillion billion other stars weren't created 14 billion years ago to light our night sky.    We really aren't the center of the universe and therefore the creation stories are just stories.

  10. Religious fanatics believe in creationism (or "intelligent design") and there are a whole lot of them (and most will probably vote for Obama). The saner people and the scientists don't "believe" ANYthing. They merely observe and conclude. (And any data favoring creationism is nonexistent.)

  11. evoloution.

  12. I believe God was clever enough to create evolution.

  13. god created the earth in 6 days, then he took a rest on the seventh. I know this because the bible says so. I don't need to question the bible or double check its validity because the bible validates itself by saying that it is the inerrent word of god. how do I know its the word of god? because it says it is dummy! if there are any facts which disprove the bible, we shouldn't pay attention to them because we just need to have faith. science is always trying to fool people with its "facts" and "theories" and big words.

  14. Remember, theories are based on evidence and facts, it's not make-believe or a wild guess.

    You can only 'believe' in creationism because there are not hard facts to support it. It's faith based.

    You can Understand evolution by observing the facts. No need for belief.

    I've heard a scientist say, 'evolution may be how God did it'.

  15. its not about believing evolution is a fact, its been proven

  16. Creationism. I'm with the first Jim :]

  17. I believe in both. I believe in natural selection but not all of evolution. Evolution has too many holes in it because Darwin was being biased when he thought the thing up. Most scientists back then were biased.

  18. evolution. we had to evolve from somewhere, and who created a god? something has to...

  19. Creationism.

    Evolution makes absolutely no sense at all because Earth's first creatures were microscopic. And out of these little things a monkey evolves from those little organisms? Things like that don't just happen and studies have proved that life can only come from other life. And a God that had the power to create heaven and earth created human beings.

    I don't believe science over religion.

  20. I believe in creative evolution.... or is it evolutionary creationism?  Oh h**l, I can't remember.

  21. It is hard to know if the other Jim is serious.  Clearly you are a fool to believe something if the evidence points to some other truth.  The mountains of evidence for evolution vs the lack of evidence for creationism provides one with a very simple choice.  It is not even a choice.  To believe something against the evidence and your common sense is not really a belief, it is more of a delusion.

  22. I believe in God, but I know evolution to be true.  Faith is for religion not science.  Heck even the Pope acknowledges evolution.

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