
Do you believe in faith (hope, luck) or destiny (everything that happens was meant to happen)?

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Do you believe in faith (hope, luck) or destiny (everything that happens was meant to happen)?




  1. Kind of. I believe everything happens for a reason, but you control your destiny.

  2. faith. but i think we MOSTLY control our lives.

  3. I believe in the three inescapable forces in life (Fate, Karma, And Destiny)

    Fate is defined as the force which puts us in a certain place at a certain time. It presents us with opportunities but we have the choice to take those opportunities or not (Free will)

    Karma is the justice and balance system of the universe. What we put out there, good or bad, comes back.

    And Destiny is the final destination (DESTINation) for our life or soul.

  4. Everything that happens is caused by some other thing happening.  But this does not point to any "divine plan."  Just the fact of causation.

    The last time someone suggested to me that everything was part of a divine plan, I stomped heavily upon his toes.  "Hey, can't be mad at me.  All part of the plan."

  5. I think some things happen for a reason.  You were placed in a certain place and time for a reason, but I don't believe our entire life is scripted.  I think we still have free will which effects the majority of our lives.

  6. destiny is BS... things are by chance,  and faith can definitely lean things in favour of whatever you believe, example, positive attitude (constructive faith) gives you better chance at getting a job or a friend, negative attitude (destructive faith) can increase your chances to fail to get the job or to win a friend.

  7. Neglect is a major cause of accidents.

  8. nope, in life there is only probability and choice. if your mind feels you forgot something somewhere, and you go there, and then something great happens, its not becuase its "faith" but the mind can hold much more data ( like thousands of terabytes) so your mind may give you "hints" via sensory organs, or thought, and then it leads you there, and then you feel like it was "faith", when it really was a memory call for something.


  9. Nether, I only believe in the logic of the illogical Time.

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