
Do you believe in financial accountability for historic injustices?

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Do you believe in financial accountability for historic injustices?




  1. if the finance is able to correct the injustices/backwardness that the present generation is suffering from  eg northamerican natives where the $$ could be used to improve their lives.  

    in asia, japanese paid out alot of blood $$ to compensate their 2nd world war atrocities.  but those who took it didnt do anything  - it was more so,  squeezing $$ out of rich japan except singapore where the j**s were asked to simply built a memorial  in the heart of the city.  both nations are rich so there is less bitterness/anger.

  2. No. I didn't oppress anyone. Most people who want restitution weren't oppressed either, their ancestors MAY have been.

  3. No, I do not.  It does no good to punish the current generation of one group for what their ancestors did. It's like the ineffective discipline at home: some kids don't remember hours later what they did when they do something wrong. So when mom says, "Wait till your dad gets home!" when a kid misbehaves,  what does that do? 1. undermine the mom's authority, 2. keep the kid from being punished while he still might have some chance to feel remorse, and 3. confuse the kid.  Does that sound reasonable? Then why should any group who is descended from a mistreated group get reparations from a government that has bent over backwards to make life better for the mistreated group's descendants -- even when it wasn't they who did the mistreating? It doesn't punish the ones who did it, it won't mean anything except that our government can be blackmailed or guilted into paying money for something those members of the government did not personally cause, and it only causes more strife between the two groups.

  4. If the person was not the one to whom the injustice was done, and the person asked to be accountable is only responsible by inheritance, then absolutely not. On the true sufferers and the wrong doers should be able to negotiate a financial obligation.

  5. Sure, so long as we can revive the guilty and make them do the accounting. If it were a government abuse then maybe the extant government can pay something. Usually when wholesale abuse occurs…it be the people who, now, are long dead.

  6. h**l NO !!! - Sorry about that,...but what's done is done !

  7. Yes...but limited to only the person's who actually suffered the injustice (ie. the actual concentration camp internees of the third reich or the actual prisoners of war of the Empire of Japan).  Nothing but apologies to be given to the offspring of the recompense to the claimants themselves.

  8. There have been far two many injustices in the world, and if you make restitution to one group, then you will have to please them all. My family go back to the highland clearances, but where do you draw the line.

  9. Only for Cain & Abel...

  10. Only to the living.

    The ones who cry foul for our ancestors, now give us some money! They don't deserve anything.

    Any apologies made for historical errors of judgements are hollow. A politician will bend over backwards to soothe the savage mob of self inflicted victims (those who actually did not suffer the injustices but ancestor did) So an apology will be given but the wise know it is just lip service to assuage the fools who would cry,,,,,,my nanny can beat up your nanny any day,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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